Thursday, December 17, 2009
Getting Hella Light these days
Yes Yes amazing site.
Finals are just about wrapped up. Break should lead to some fun projects. Im teaching brats how to skate and am working on some sort of fun restructuring of the skateboard arena. Should be fun. Haz Mat is coming at you all hot on Friday so look out for that. Nick was recognized at the photo show for the pictures of him in the bathroom from after the sweaty party. Pretty Great. This semester was good, plenty of memories to be had all. When we all get back from our respected homelands and such we should venture north and get extra wild. Anyway if any of you honkeys have article ideas hit me up.
yes yes yes
Yes Yes amazing site.
Finals are just about wrapped up. Break should lead to some fun projects. Im teaching brats how to skate and am working on some sort of fun restructuring of the skateboard arena. Should be fun. Haz Mat is coming at you all hot on Friday so look out for that. Nick was recognized at the photo show for the pictures of him in the bathroom from after the sweaty party. Pretty Great. This semester was good, plenty of memories to be had all. When we all get back from our respected homelands and such we should venture north and get extra wild. Anyway if any of you honkeys have article ideas hit me up.
yes yes yes
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
so it seems...
like a lot of the kreamers are getting girlfriends, or at least putting out the feelers for potentail miss kreamers as of here is a lil video we all could learn from..
Sunday, December 6, 2009
What the fuck!?
Why wasn't i even invited to the Kreamer Mansion for that thanksgiving feast that happened a few days ago?
Thursday, December 3, 2009
this man has alot of funny stuff on his site that i've been checking out for a year or so and i thought i would share this one.
plus lesson 69!!!! like 69 dude!!!! yeah!!!!!!!!!69!!!!!!!!!!!!
plus lesson 69!!!! like 69 dude!!!! yeah!!!!!!!!!69!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
mostly for logan and will
just makin sure you scum sucking budda kreamas are aware of the edit on the thrasher site of john cardiel its so fucking sick.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
this is people recreating childrens drawings in photographs, the last one is my favorite.
this is people recreating childrens drawings in photographs, the last one is my favorite.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
from all the news report videos and photos i saw on this place it looks fun, but i certainly dont want to skate it when its crowded. all those rollers and vert walls in such a cramped space just scream Simonetti. i think i want to see Race, Ray, and Ohio Joe tare this place up the most.
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Things I have been stoked on
Nick Did this already, but I would like to copy.
Thursday Dinners at the Kreamer Ranch
Drunk Ball
Diekman and his antics (breaking bottles, throwing snowballs etc)
New Friends
Rock climbing in the Gym
Live Hall and Oates
The new Slave video
Its been a good November thus far
Thursday Dinners at the Kreamer Ranch
Drunk Ball
Diekman and his antics (breaking bottles, throwing snowballs etc)
New Friends
Rock climbing in the Gym
Live Hall and Oates
The new Slave video
Its been a good November thus far
Friday, November 20, 2009
Keep That Diekman Complexion.
Generated by the Advertising Slogan Generator. Get more Diekman slogans.
Monday, November 2, 2009
stuff and such
Nobody has posted in a while so I am just going to say some things,I bought the Extremely Sorry video today on a whim. Hated the music and hated the animations. Did not compare to the other two flip videos, but I guess it would be hard to do that. Bob is amazing. Not a bad video overall though, and hey, it came with skate dice.
Things I have been psyched on.
- Call of Duty 4
- New Orleans Saints. They make me very proud.
- Joy Division
- Wondering what the hell I am going to do with my life
- The "you me and diekman" costume which is sitting in my room and it makes me laugh when I see it in the morning.
I am leaving for Portland/Seattle on thursday morning. The Society for Photographic Education is having a regional conference in Seattle and I am volunteering. I will also show my portfolio to professional photographers for critique. I will also meet up with Paulius for a minute in portland, and Dan and Harry in Seattle. We are driving up there with this dude Chuck, an untraditional photo student in his fifties, Jason Piskin, and two others. It is going to be so damn fun, most likely.
Anyone want to live abroad after school with me? Europe somewhere? Argentina looks nice too.
- Nicholas Weber
Things I have been psyched on.
- Call of Duty 4
- New Orleans Saints. They make me very proud.
- Joy Division
- Wondering what the hell I am going to do with my life
- The "you me and diekman" costume which is sitting in my room and it makes me laugh when I see it in the morning.
I am leaving for Portland/Seattle on thursday morning. The Society for Photographic Education is having a regional conference in Seattle and I am volunteering. I will also show my portfolio to professional photographers for critique. I will also meet up with Paulius for a minute in portland, and Dan and Harry in Seattle. We are driving up there with this dude Chuck, an untraditional photo student in his fifties, Jason Piskin, and two others. It is going to be so damn fun, most likely.
Anyone want to live abroad after school with me? Europe somewhere? Argentina looks nice too.
- Nicholas Weber
Monday, October 12, 2009
alright boys
I hate chinese cinema. There i said it, it makes my life misserable. In fact, it makes me want to take a sawzall to a heard of small goats. After which i would eat the carcasses raw while listening to slayer and a little garth brooks. Blood would be dripping from my shirt, i wouldnt clean any of it off, making me suspicious in the eye of the public. I would then take the shitty altima, and run over a tabby or two.
BTW, this weekend me and mr. weber are having a demolition derby with our cars. Shitty altima vs lady bird. the winner buys the other a new car.
BTW, this weekend me and mr. weber are having a demolition derby with our cars. Shitty altima vs lady bird. the winner buys the other a new car.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Chris Kohring
One of the best things about college is the people. Never before in your life have you been completely surrounded by so many unique human beings. This is Chris Kohring, a kid that lived in my dorm freshman year. He is kind of a meathead. Not really a jock, he was in ROTC and liked keystone. I see chris pretty often on campus. Anyway, I think these photos can give you a pretty good idea about the person Chris is.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Nazi Punks Fuck Off.
As many of the people who go to this site already know, there has been some vandalism at the skatepark. There was some shitty graffiti that said black power and kill whites and some other random bull shit. As well as Aryan bitches. This graffiti correlated with the appearance of a white supremest group in Bozeman. I found stickers on campus as well as other racist propaganda. There is not a single known black hate group in Montana but 6 white or as they call them 'religous' groups that get the federal standard as hate groups. YOU ARE NOT WELCOME AT THE BOZEMAN SKATEPARK, WE WONT STAND FOR THIS INTOLERANCE. For them to try to trick impressional youth, mainly the lurkers at the park (this was an issue in minneapolis a few years ago), into joining their bullshit cause by planting fake graffiti is un-ac-fucking-ceptable. Skateboarding unites people of all backgrounds together. We are all people. Dont vandaize our skatepark and try to teach us hate. FUCK OFF NAZI REDNECKS.
Anyway, that was my rant. The graffiti is gone and the best way to prove our point is to love your enemy and be the better man. This video is great.
Anyway, that was my rant. The graffiti is gone and the best way to prove our point is to love your enemy and be the better man. This video is great.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Friday, September 25, 2009
Monday, September 21, 2009
New Poll Bitches
take a look to your right. Yep thats right, a new poll to feast on. I just heard on facebook that there will be ahalloween party at biesels house, kegs and music and skating. So i am wondering what i should dress up as and i need some input
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Monday, September 14, 2009
whaddayamean you dont want it??
no one wanted the see a boneless miller flip?? what the hell, it you basicly be a footplant backflip! how cool is that man!! mike v shit right thurr. shiiit i saw the frostman do that not even 10ft from me at the Feast demo. so i can say from first hand experience that its the dopestfresh.
stay up nikka..
stay up nikka..
No more for me
Weekend was great. Went to bigsky, did some filming, listened to drunk musicians yell at puppies, etc. Then I made the mistake of buying a bottle of wiskey. One thing led to another I had finished the bottle in a matter of 20 minutes. As a result, I found myself pulling the trigger passed out in a camping chair. What a fun time though. At one point i woke up and was freaking out, I said "guys, i think my legs are staked to the ground." Everyone played along and said "whatever logan thats crazy talk." I didnt listen, and soon started yelling at Elliot. Its funny, even though I was way drunk, i still managed to blame things on that lovely bastard of a friend.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Big Sky ramp jam
To All
Big sky ramp jam went down. Was super fun. Race Killed it. I got a t shirt and a wallet. Froze my ass off under the stars. Woke up at 6. Piled into ladybird. There was a land speed record made. Good times. Nick Weber is the best photographer ever.
Big sky ramp jam went down. Was super fun. Race Killed it. I got a t shirt and a wallet. Froze my ass off under the stars. Woke up at 6. Piled into ladybird. There was a land speed record made. Good times. Nick Weber is the best photographer ever.
maybe youve seen it...maybe not..
but i fixed the link to my blog (wrinkled paper) so if you have not checked it out(this excludeds alex, beebzor, and logan) please do.
did ya'll see this? if you haven't you will... much it will make you wish you never had. im not the only kid blogging this right now.
i knew buzenits was good, thats like know the sky is blue, but whoa.
i knew buzenits was good, thats like know the sky is blue, but whoa.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
So I added a poll. We were discussing Bjorn doing a boneless millerflip on the bigsky mini and I got to thinking.....
What do you honkeys want to see?
Respond or die
What do you honkeys want to see?
Respond or die
Posting Drunk
So Im not drunk now. But definitely buzzed after having 2 IPAs and a long day at school. I figured this blog would become more interesting if posting drunk was encouraged if not required. I wonder if we could get a breathalyzer. The drunker the post the more epic and disoriented the content. On that note I leave you all with this.
Lets get this shit rolling again
Im down to get this blog going. I noticed nick posting and David Biesel is going to be able to add some shit.
Just watched a full length Todd Falcon Video.
Epic as fuck
Race is going to learn all the tricks tomorrrow.
Footage to come
Just watched a full length Todd Falcon Video.
Epic as fuck
Race is going to learn all the tricks tomorrrow.
Footage to come
Skateboarding... oh yes
Fletcher came over tonight and looked at pug and boxer photos, and it just so happens he brought a six pack of Colt 45. Dog photos aside, we talked about life, and mostly how amazing skateboarding is. It is crazy to think that every skater is different. Every skater has a unique style. Without any name on the screen, it wouldnt be hard to spot Mike Carroll, Tony T, Baca, or Jamie Thomas. Every single skateboarder out there has, or will, develop a unique style. Its apparant in the Kreamaz. Bjorn has a very distinct style, one very different from Fletcher, who has a very different one from Will, yet each style is unique and each one is personal. We also came to the conclusion that rollerblading is not as impressive. With skateboarding, you are manipulating an object completely independent of yourself. That is why all bladers look the same when they do their tricks, their shit is attached to their feet and every grind by any person looks pretty much the same.
Anyway, its no wonder that skateboarding has infatuated our lives so much. I hope that I can skate for as long as I live, and I hope that I can pass it down to my children someday, along with my collection of LEGOs.
(we also discussed how sick Google maps is, along with hallucinogenic drugs and sports illustrated. The New Orleans Saints have driven me to tears before... has a sports team done the same for you? Also, how sick was Vegas?)
I have Billiards class in seven and a half hours.
Anyway, its no wonder that skateboarding has infatuated our lives so much. I hope that I can skate for as long as I live, and I hope that I can pass it down to my children someday, along with my collection of LEGOs.
(we also discussed how sick Google maps is, along with hallucinogenic drugs and sports illustrated. The New Orleans Saints have driven me to tears before... has a sports team done the same for you? Also, how sick was Vegas?)
I have Billiards class in seven and a half hours.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Monday, July 27, 2009
Around 11:40 on july 22, me and my gamma homo bro roomates and I went on down to the loaf and jug so i could purchase my first beers. Blue moon to keep it classy and honey moon to keep it sexy. Drank a few and went to sleep. Woke up on july 23, at approximately 6:30 in the morning and went to the skatepark. I was alone. IT was the perfect temperature. My body was not feeling much skating but I rolled around for a bit in the cool air. Came back home and went back to sleep. Rose again to read, then shredded the park. Emily arrives in bozeman, followed an hour later by my parents. We chilled at GHB, i got some camping gear and a cooler full of beer, a sack full of taffy and deodorant, a nice picture, a scratch ticket, and a mountain bike. fuck yeah. Went to dinner at teds. Parents left and then we hit up music on main. Fun times were had by all. we dispersed and came back, getting beer on the way. Scuba was there. the party began. lots of drinking, puked once. this went on for a while. Next thing i know the cops are at my house and my roomate was filling out a police report. From what i heard, the random kids at my party got in a fight with my 55 year old neighbor, roughed him up and broke his garage window. There are some fucking stupid people in this world who must fight do defend the worthless shit they got. We were told that they were pulled over. there may never be a party at gamma homo bro ever again, as long as my neighbor is there. I feel bad, but it was really one of the best birthdays ever.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Pregnant bowl troll
so due to the extreme resemblance between Jason Lee
and Billy Marks
and taking into consideration the fact they they are both very talented skaters. i am forced into concluding that Jason Lee nocked up some ramp tramp who kept the kid who is now Billy Marks.

Monday, June 29, 2009
Burned all my elbow skin off because I dont have grooves in my brand new trucks. Working a bunch. Enjoying the Crest and killing it in the midwest. Cellphone pics and random shit on this site
Dig Deep
This is a MN crew
Trog Blog
Dig Deep
This is a MN crew
Trog Blog
Monday, June 22, 2009
Go skate day 2009 came and went in a whoosh of sweat and scabs. Started the day off with Emily, lunch at taco johns and free coffee from Cody at rmr. Went to the park for awhile and skated for a few with the masses. Sat down to watch the contest, the beginners went and then the rains came. Went to bogert for a few with fletcher and had some photo fun there. Went back to the park for the rest of the contest. Lance won the beginners, fucking killed it. 360s for days. Sat for a bit then skated more and more. Left the park, met up at fletchers where I asked a really fucking stupid question and made my exit. Skated shitty wilson hall in the rain for a few minutes then a campus police bitch told us off, Logan was very cordial while "the man" could barely exit his car do to his safety restraints. Went to zigs foundation thingy after that and filmed a bunch of handy fun. All got clips, logan did handy hammers, the owners came and told us off. Nice folks, watched us skate for a bit and asked me about photography, then told us that in todays society liability and insurance are a very real concern. Back to the park with bjorn, hella fun til logan tore his chin in half. Lots of blood but not too bad. Nate, Jason and I left and had a quick meeting, then it was off to Burger King where we bummed those fuckers out. Chilled at the Kasa for a bit, then came home. GSD goodness.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
redneck moments in a technological world
so i was editing last night. My computer started to overheat my video card, as i had abillion things rendering, in a panic, i ran to my fridge, and grabbed the first cold thing i saw: a bag of frozen corn. I then proceeded to throw the frozen corn under my computer. It coold down righ away, and never heated up all night. Genius.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
My summer.
1.Work 50 hours a week- at least it keeps me busy
2.Try to go film, but realize what you are trying to do isnt really working out or even that interesting, therefore you might as well not be because it will be a shitty project anyway.
3. going to bed by ten PM every night because you have no friends
4. spending your remaining time at home doing nothing, but you wish you were filming, and could move to somewhere where someone actually liked your material.
5.ticking clock.
1.Work 50 hours a week- at least it keeps me busy
2.Try to go film, but realize what you are trying to do isnt really working out or even that interesting, therefore you might as well not be because it will be a shitty project anyway.
3. going to bed by ten PM every night because you have no friends
4. spending your remaining time at home doing nothing, but you wish you were filming, and could move to somewhere where someone actually liked your material.
5.ticking clock.
Saturday, June 13, 2009
fuck i hate this week. I fucking... fuck. God dammit. God dammit. Fuck.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
omg i cant wait
street dreams. the second trailer is trying to appeal to our crew by using the word "Kreamers" three times. its a sign.
I went camping last night with my landscape photography class. It was sweet. We all just drank a bunch of beer around the camp fire and sang weird songs. Photography is taking over my life in a good way.
On the way back Jason and I skated anaconda, butte, and of course, whitehall. Got some footy for the handycam video. I just got internet at home, Halo 3 will go down soon enough.
I went camping last night with my landscape photography class. It was sweet. We all just drank a bunch of beer around the camp fire and sang weird songs. Photography is taking over my life in a good way.
On the way back Jason and I skated anaconda, butte, and of course, whitehall. Got some footy for the handycam video. I just got internet at home, Halo 3 will go down soon enough.
Monday, May 25, 2009
went to missoula for a night on a drumming job. just what i needed, some time alone. seriously. it was great. got a hotel, all that stuff. I realized i really like traveling on my own, i like long car rides by myself. i get time to think.
hope all is well with everyone. I'm tired, so i could waist some time and ramble or i could stop. i'll go on. I'm laying in bed, dead tired. tomorrow we are venturing to butte. should be a great time or something. I like getting super tired. where you could very well go to bed, but you just don't. Your desire to sleep intoxicates you for a short time. You are dazed and confused.
i watched to catch a predator on dateline tonight. it made me feel bad for some of those guys. although i despise what they are doing, i can't help but feel bad that some of them have the urge like that. However at the same time, i think the worst thing a human being can do is hurt a child. Children are the basis of innocence. Its crazy, i cannot even fathom what is goign through those loser's heads
hope all is well with everyone. I'm tired, so i could waist some time and ramble or i could stop. i'll go on. I'm laying in bed, dead tired. tomorrow we are venturing to butte. should be a great time or something. I like getting super tired. where you could very well go to bed, but you just don't. Your desire to sleep intoxicates you for a short time. You are dazed and confused.
i watched to catch a predator on dateline tonight. it made me feel bad for some of those guys. although i despise what they are doing, i can't help but feel bad that some of them have the urge like that. However at the same time, i think the worst thing a human being can do is hurt a child. Children are the basis of innocence. Its crazy, i cannot even fathom what is goign through those loser's heads
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
yes, he did use a ton of my footage, i'm not cool with that at all. Anyway, video games suck, and if you are addicted to them, you should go outside, or seek help. Just a public service announcement. In other news, mia, ham, and dallas have been killing it, and wills profile is about three quarters done, just needing interviews and some more skating from himself. But once completed i'll be pushing to get the jux site back up and running.
Fuck video games, Love your mother, and all a good night
Fuck video games, Love your mother, and all a good night
Monday, May 11, 2009
peeep all the fun stollen shit on this kids website!! what a whore! photos and videos from all over the place. everything from Spirit to even Derik Olsen!
this kid is a serious jerk.
he even goes as far as to take photos from paulius's video and his myspace and shit.
the internet is fucked!!!
peeep all the fun stollen shit on this kids website!! what a whore! photos and videos from all over the place. everything from Spirit to even Derik Olsen!
this kid is a serious jerk.
he even goes as far as to take photos from paulius's video and his myspace and shit.
the internet is fucked!!!
Sunday, May 10, 2009
this is some serious bullshit right here
Watch this and tell the guy who is making this shit that what he is doing is wrong. In the helena montage he used tons of Logans footage, and put one of my photos at the end of this piece of shit.
Watch this and tell the guy who is making this shit that what he is doing is wrong. In the helena montage he used tons of Logans footage, and put one of my photos at the end of this piece of shit.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
searching for that one true love
i need me a girl like this...
in the meantime, i got skateboarding.
in the meantime, i got skateboarding.
Friday, April 24, 2009
Sure Fire Plan to skate the Berrics
The other day I stumbled upon a list of odd celebrity baby names and Jason Lee's child was on there. Her name, Pilot Inspektor (its actually spelled like that). Anyway I read the blurb and it turns out that the name was inspired by a Grandaddy song, He's Simple, He's Dumb, He's the Pilot. Anyway, last night I attended a party in which I talked to Rob Murdock about his summer plans and we got to discussing Jason Lytle and his tour. I mentioned that Jason inspired Jason. Rob said he was going to LA and he knew how he would skate the Berrics. Jason would Contact Jason Lee, saying, oh you named your kid after my lyrics, can you get me into the Berrics. I'll get you tickets to my show, or some other perk that musicians are entitled to. Jason Lee, being a huge fan would allow Jason and Rob to come to the Berrics. It actually is a reasonable plan and even Dave said it was 100% guaranteed that Rob would skate the Berrics.
Monday, April 20, 2009

i am posting this just to test the size of images for web. This photo is for my digital/color final. Kreamer awards are tight. I skated whitehall for a little bit today and saw some pissed off dad kick his kid. Fucking 'A man chill out. Oh well, at least I learned nollie front heels on flat kind of yeahhhh boyeeeee. Also, Butte was fun, meeting the crew and skating for a bit.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Kreamer Awards
Time for an Intervention
Brian Bee
Can I bum a Cigarette
Logan Triplett
Dude, I know, but seriously what?
Paulius K.
Best Kick Flip
Alex Strandell
Best Bowl Barney
Fletcher Eidum
Best Foreigner
Will Beardslee
Local Legend
Dan Quinn
Beer Slave
Will Beardslee
Street Tech Formula
Nick Weber
Fourth Meal
Adam Krishoffer
Robin and Guggey Award
Nate and Fletcher
Most Pot overdoses
Bob Marley/Kita
Best Experience
Nick Weber runner up: Nate Witbrod Experience
Best Asian
Dan Quinn
Jug Thug
Logan Triplett
Don't give me no bammer weed
Hamilton Lynn
Sew What
Cassy Sargent
Comb your fucking hair
Bjorn Ryan-Gorman
Early Grab Cannonball
Robin Miller
El Torro Slayer
Best Minnesotan
Dave Biesel
Secks Appeal
Hall and Oates
Logan and Nick
Best Black Skateboarder
Brian Bee
Can I bum a Cigarette
Logan Triplett
Dude, I know, but seriously what?
Paulius K.
Best Kick Flip
Alex Strandell
Best Bowl Barney
Fletcher Eidum
Best Foreigner
Will Beardslee
Local Legend
Dan Quinn
Beer Slave
Will Beardslee
Street Tech Formula
Nick Weber
Fourth Meal
Adam Krishoffer
Robin and Guggey Award
Nate and Fletcher
Most Pot overdoses
Bob Marley/Kita
Best Experience
Nick Weber runner up: Nate Witbrod Experience
Best Asian
Dan Quinn
Jug Thug
Logan Triplett
Don't give me no bammer weed
Hamilton Lynn
Sew What
Cassy Sargent
Comb your fucking hair
Bjorn Ryan-Gorman
Early Grab Cannonball
Robin Miller
El Torro Slayer
Best Minnesotan
Dave Biesel
Secks Appeal
Hall and Oates
Logan and Nick
Best Black Skateboarder
This just in
There was a discrepancy with one of the awards
the award entitled:
Best Robin award
actually goes to:
Brian Bee
Thankyou and sorry for the confusion
the award entitled:
Best Robin award
actually goes to:
Brian Bee
Thankyou and sorry for the confusion
Results are in
Awards According To Logan: This years BK academy awards
Best Asian Skateboarder/Professional Model:
Brian Bee
Biggest Penis
Most times incarcerated in one year:
Casey Bruff
Grossest mustache:
Bjorn R.G (Runner up: nick weber)
Biggest Chode:
Bjorn R.G
Biggest Chronic Blunt Smoked:
Kita Kreamer
Best Quilt:
Cassy S.
Best Country Music Album:
Conway Twitty
Best Video Game creation:
Dan Quinn
Biggest Ass:
Brian Bee
Woah, thats a chode! award:
Nick Weber
Best Latte:
Fletcher I.
Slantiest eyes:
Alex Strandell
Best cielling walker:
Kita Schnietta
Most unpopular member:
John Wilkes Booth
Biggest Jock:
Nate W.
Best black skateboarder:
Paulius K.
Best Robin:
Robin Miller
Hella hyphy award:
Gary Beardslee
Am of the year
Zack D.
Pussy Slayer of the year
Zack D.
Team bicycle:
Nick Weber and Kita
Best Asian Skateboarder/Professional Model:
Brian Bee
Biggest Penis
Most times incarcerated in one year:
Casey Bruff
Grossest mustache:
Bjorn R.G (Runner up: nick weber)
Biggest Chode:
Bjorn R.G
Biggest Chronic Blunt Smoked:
Kita Kreamer
Best Quilt:
Cassy S.
Best Country Music Album:
Conway Twitty
Best Video Game creation:
Dan Quinn
Biggest Ass:
Brian Bee
Woah, thats a chode! award:
Nick Weber
Best Latte:
Fletcher I.
Slantiest eyes:
Alex Strandell
Best cielling walker:
Kita Schnietta
Most unpopular member:
John Wilkes Booth
Biggest Jock:
Nate W.
Best black skateboarder:
Paulius K.
Best Robin:
Robin Miller
Hella hyphy award:
Gary Beardslee
Am of the year
Zack D.
Pussy Slayer of the year
Zack D.
Team bicycle:
Nick Weber and Kita
Friday, April 17, 2009
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
butter kreamics
coming this summer, an exclusive park, where only the most exclusive of heavenly endowed skateboarders can skate. If i dont like them that week, then i take not only their key, but their skateboard. We will also have a contest like the world series there. Come on people, lets make skateboarding serious. Its not serious enough. I'm serious. Lets be serious. Serious. Serious. Sincere.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
So let's go back about 20 years ago.
I was born. My parents were happily married for ten years before this. It wasn't until I was born, that problems arose. My dad went bye bye when i was about two. Just me and my mom. My mom was tough. Despite having a child, and a ex husband that never provided for her, who cheated on his taxes to reduce his child support, and still never paid it. My mom did everything for me.
Because of this, this made my life a bit interesting. I was forced to provide for myself from an early age. my mom worked two jobs, meaning i saw her at seven in the morning briefly, and then maybe once more if i stayed up til two in the morning. She also had one day a week off. My days were spent going to school, getting off of school, trying to do my homework alone, and then making a poor excuse for a meal. It was interesting to say the least. I learned early on what not to do in the kitchen etc. But then there was that one day a week, where I would be happy. Mom was home!
This went on for a few years, until i was about eight or so, my mother met my soon to be stepfather. He was great! They were married after about a year of dating, and moved in etc. I had someone else now! My stepdad was amazing, always a friend, and disciplinary when he needed to be. But most importantly, he was down to do anything for me and my mother.
Around this time, I got into skateboarding. Seeing some locals at my school, then about eight years older than I, i soon began to save for a skateboard. It took me four months of saving every penny, but i finally reached the victory of my first skateboard. I now had something too look forward to in life, as crazy as that sounds, everyday I skated, soon becoming very good friends with the older bunch of kids at the school. I was like a little brother to them. I became such good friends with them, that I began to have troubles socializing with people at school.
School was intersting to say the least. I hated and loved every second of it. On one side,there were the accidemics. Here i vowed that i would do everything in my power to make something of myself, and someday buy my mother anything and everything that her heart desired. I felt that she had worked so hard for me, that I needed to learn everything i could. On the other side of the school spectrum, were the kids. I hated this aspect of school. Kids just seemed so mean. I was never "cool" in grade school. I never had the best toys, or stories, or birthday's or what not, in fact, i can safely say that i never once partook in any type of birthday invitations for from any of my school mates. In fact, i'm pretty sure they hated me. No one skateboarded, no one cared about it. So i was outcast. But, for some reason, I never cared what they thought. Not once ever. A popular kid would say I was dumb, or waisting my time, or what not, and I just didnt care. I had bigger and better things to worry about, like a father I hadn't seen for years, or a mother working her ass of. It didnt bother me. Instead, I became better friends with the skateboard crowd. None of them were in grade school or middle school, and some of them were graduated. Most people would say this is unhealthy, but I can tell you know, those guys were the best influence I have ever had in my life, besides maybe my mother and stepfather. They treated me like a brother, and would teach me the ways of life.
I was a good boy, on the other hand, i wasn't perfect. At times, i lied to my parents, something i'll never be able to get over. Sometimes I hated people, sometimes i envied them.
So i turned twelve, and all of a sudden my father wanted to take a part in my life...
This was huge. I hated him. hated.
It would take years of pain between me and my father until we would walk on any type of common ground, and today, what we do walk on is of a very fragile foundation. Life was different having two families, i hated it. For this, i began to become very isolated. It was this time, i figured out that I had not only problems, but medically caused problems. I'll save the details, but soon I was forced to rely on medication to balance my emotions. This was a huge struggle for me, to this day, every time my dose changes, I have a lot of trouble sleeping. On top of this, i soon began to hide this. I thought it separated me from people. This was simply because of the fact that people did not understand the circumstances of many disorders and only relied on incorrect stereotypes. It was also around this time, that i began filming. FIlming everything and anything, it was my alternative reality, and i loved it, more than reality itself. I hated reality. I still was socially retarted in school as well. I began to just pretend to have a social life.
While i'm at it, i'll throw in the drumming bit. Since age three my mother put me into drum lessons to keep me busy, I fell in love with drumming at a young age, and having a musician for a step dad made it even more passionate. I drummed sometimes up to ten hours in a day. I thought that i also might be away to succeed and someday allow my mother to have anything she wanted. Anyway, back to junior high.
Junior high was horrible. I don't think I ever made a friend all year, minus my few younger skateboarder friends. All i did was do homework, skateboard, drum and film. Nothing else, i don't think i said more than ten words to anyone at any one time that year.I twas crazy. It wasnt until my sophomore year that I actually began to find a few friends. Suddenly, not caring about the people around you was an admiral thing, and soon i began to become someone that everyone liked, but noeone really cared to really be friends with. THis was fine with me, it was more attention then I had ever had in my life, and I could focus on pushing my self and growing up faster, without having to waist my time hanging out with friends.
I had it in my mind, that I would be better off if I grew up as fast as possible. I desired this so much, that I actually moved out the end of my junior year. I wanted to be 100 percent self sufficient. This is where my major mistakes occured. I now become one big ball of stress.
I worried about rent, homework, my job, a gf if i had one, anything and everything. And for once in my life, my mother wasn't there to make it all better. But somewhere in my mind, i thought I was a burden for my parents, I couldnt allow them to bare me anymore. That year I was the most depressed I had been in a long time. I pushed through past my senior year, and graduation. I was an adult in a childs body, yet I wasn't an adult at all, I still wanted to be a kid, but i couldnt be. My hobbies kept me together though.
I decided that i needed a change, i couldnt move back home because my mother and stepfather had sold their house due to me moving out. I still visited them extremely often, but i Now felt like I could not impede on their new living arrangement. So i contacted my step sister. Yes, i had a step sister, much older than me, but still one i had a great relationship with. They allowed me to stay at their home and I offered to pay what i could. I spent the summer waisting my time, I had a girlfriend i thought i was crazy about. Well, shit happened, and I was left out in the cold. I now had let my family and skateboard friends down for some stupid girl. I vowed from that point on to never allow myself to fall in Love, no matter what the circumstances were. I also vowed to never let anything get in front of my passions and goals. I had choses a new path. One baised loosley out of greed, and my desire to reach my goals. The remaing three months of my summer were the most depressing ones of my life. For the first time in my life, i began to hate everything. Once a very happy person, and chipper about everything ( i mean 100 percent of the time) I now hated everything, I was an asshole. No way around it. I didnt want to be where I was, and i didnt care who knew.
College came up, and everything changed. For once i saw a little glimmer of hope. THings began, and I just kept motivated on my goals, nothing would come before them. I soon lost sight of my family, and anything else I had left behind. I went three months without ever talking to anyone from home, including a family member. BUt i didnt go without a day of working towards my film goals. I say this like something has changed today. Well, not much has really. Save for one thing. So my mom gets sick, and my life flips completely upside down, I realize how good I really have it. I have a life, a gift, the gift of life. For a week straight I swear i didnt talk. I'll i could think about was how i was the one that deserved to be sick, and not her, how she had done everything for me and I had done nothing. I finally broke down and presented this idea to my mother. She kind of chuckled at me. At said, "Logan, I'm fine, whatever happens. The truth is, that you did everything for my life, you ARE my life..." this hit me hard. What kind of a son was I? wanting to bring my mother new cars, houses, things of worldly value, things that ultimately meant nothing in comparison to what I had already given her. I soon realized the gift of having people around you, and that sometimes they are better than life itself. To this day, i still regret my venture to a hasty man hood. Why hadn't I just stayed where I should have been? I talk to my mother everyday on the phone. I have to, its my one happy thing in my day. I've learned that, yes, i have some goals, but sometimes I need to stop and look around at the people I love, and just be glad i'm fortunate enough to have them their.
This was a lesson that took 20 years to learn. And a lesson I will regret not learning sooner for the rest of my life.
I thank everyone for being their for me, and i'm happy to say that despite having no hope for my mothers future, I did recieve a glimmer of hope. Although not a lot, its still a glimmer, that i will hold onto. I won't let you go mother. I promise i'll never lose site of what really matters.
Live each day with purpose. Live each day with love. Live each day.
I was born. My parents were happily married for ten years before this. It wasn't until I was born, that problems arose. My dad went bye bye when i was about two. Just me and my mom. My mom was tough. Despite having a child, and a ex husband that never provided for her, who cheated on his taxes to reduce his child support, and still never paid it. My mom did everything for me.
Because of this, this made my life a bit interesting. I was forced to provide for myself from an early age. my mom worked two jobs, meaning i saw her at seven in the morning briefly, and then maybe once more if i stayed up til two in the morning. She also had one day a week off. My days were spent going to school, getting off of school, trying to do my homework alone, and then making a poor excuse for a meal. It was interesting to say the least. I learned early on what not to do in the kitchen etc. But then there was that one day a week, where I would be happy. Mom was home!
This went on for a few years, until i was about eight or so, my mother met my soon to be stepfather. He was great! They were married after about a year of dating, and moved in etc. I had someone else now! My stepdad was amazing, always a friend, and disciplinary when he needed to be. But most importantly, he was down to do anything for me and my mother.
Around this time, I got into skateboarding. Seeing some locals at my school, then about eight years older than I, i soon began to save for a skateboard. It took me four months of saving every penny, but i finally reached the victory of my first skateboard. I now had something too look forward to in life, as crazy as that sounds, everyday I skated, soon becoming very good friends with the older bunch of kids at the school. I was like a little brother to them. I became such good friends with them, that I began to have troubles socializing with people at school.
School was intersting to say the least. I hated and loved every second of it. On one side,there were the accidemics. Here i vowed that i would do everything in my power to make something of myself, and someday buy my mother anything and everything that her heart desired. I felt that she had worked so hard for me, that I needed to learn everything i could. On the other side of the school spectrum, were the kids. I hated this aspect of school. Kids just seemed so mean. I was never "cool" in grade school. I never had the best toys, or stories, or birthday's or what not, in fact, i can safely say that i never once partook in any type of birthday invitations for from any of my school mates. In fact, i'm pretty sure they hated me. No one skateboarded, no one cared about it. So i was outcast. But, for some reason, I never cared what they thought. Not once ever. A popular kid would say I was dumb, or waisting my time, or what not, and I just didnt care. I had bigger and better things to worry about, like a father I hadn't seen for years, or a mother working her ass of. It didnt bother me. Instead, I became better friends with the skateboard crowd. None of them were in grade school or middle school, and some of them were graduated. Most people would say this is unhealthy, but I can tell you know, those guys were the best influence I have ever had in my life, besides maybe my mother and stepfather. They treated me like a brother, and would teach me the ways of life.
I was a good boy, on the other hand, i wasn't perfect. At times, i lied to my parents, something i'll never be able to get over. Sometimes I hated people, sometimes i envied them.
So i turned twelve, and all of a sudden my father wanted to take a part in my life...
This was huge. I hated him. hated.
It would take years of pain between me and my father until we would walk on any type of common ground, and today, what we do walk on is of a very fragile foundation. Life was different having two families, i hated it. For this, i began to become very isolated. It was this time, i figured out that I had not only problems, but medically caused problems. I'll save the details, but soon I was forced to rely on medication to balance my emotions. This was a huge struggle for me, to this day, every time my dose changes, I have a lot of trouble sleeping. On top of this, i soon began to hide this. I thought it separated me from people. This was simply because of the fact that people did not understand the circumstances of many disorders and only relied on incorrect stereotypes. It was also around this time, that i began filming. FIlming everything and anything, it was my alternative reality, and i loved it, more than reality itself. I hated reality. I still was socially retarted in school as well. I began to just pretend to have a social life.
While i'm at it, i'll throw in the drumming bit. Since age three my mother put me into drum lessons to keep me busy, I fell in love with drumming at a young age, and having a musician for a step dad made it even more passionate. I drummed sometimes up to ten hours in a day. I thought that i also might be away to succeed and someday allow my mother to have anything she wanted. Anyway, back to junior high.
Junior high was horrible. I don't think I ever made a friend all year, minus my few younger skateboarder friends. All i did was do homework, skateboard, drum and film. Nothing else, i don't think i said more than ten words to anyone at any one time that year.I twas crazy. It wasnt until my sophomore year that I actually began to find a few friends. Suddenly, not caring about the people around you was an admiral thing, and soon i began to become someone that everyone liked, but noeone really cared to really be friends with. THis was fine with me, it was more attention then I had ever had in my life, and I could focus on pushing my self and growing up faster, without having to waist my time hanging out with friends.
I had it in my mind, that I would be better off if I grew up as fast as possible. I desired this so much, that I actually moved out the end of my junior year. I wanted to be 100 percent self sufficient. This is where my major mistakes occured. I now become one big ball of stress.
I worried about rent, homework, my job, a gf if i had one, anything and everything. And for once in my life, my mother wasn't there to make it all better. But somewhere in my mind, i thought I was a burden for my parents, I couldnt allow them to bare me anymore. That year I was the most depressed I had been in a long time. I pushed through past my senior year, and graduation. I was an adult in a childs body, yet I wasn't an adult at all, I still wanted to be a kid, but i couldnt be. My hobbies kept me together though.
I decided that i needed a change, i couldnt move back home because my mother and stepfather had sold their house due to me moving out. I still visited them extremely often, but i Now felt like I could not impede on their new living arrangement. So i contacted my step sister. Yes, i had a step sister, much older than me, but still one i had a great relationship with. They allowed me to stay at their home and I offered to pay what i could. I spent the summer waisting my time, I had a girlfriend i thought i was crazy about. Well, shit happened, and I was left out in the cold. I now had let my family and skateboard friends down for some stupid girl. I vowed from that point on to never allow myself to fall in Love, no matter what the circumstances were. I also vowed to never let anything get in front of my passions and goals. I had choses a new path. One baised loosley out of greed, and my desire to reach my goals. The remaing three months of my summer were the most depressing ones of my life. For the first time in my life, i began to hate everything. Once a very happy person, and chipper about everything ( i mean 100 percent of the time) I now hated everything, I was an asshole. No way around it. I didnt want to be where I was, and i didnt care who knew.
College came up, and everything changed. For once i saw a little glimmer of hope. THings began, and I just kept motivated on my goals, nothing would come before them. I soon lost sight of my family, and anything else I had left behind. I went three months without ever talking to anyone from home, including a family member. BUt i didnt go without a day of working towards my film goals. I say this like something has changed today. Well, not much has really. Save for one thing. So my mom gets sick, and my life flips completely upside down, I realize how good I really have it. I have a life, a gift, the gift of life. For a week straight I swear i didnt talk. I'll i could think about was how i was the one that deserved to be sick, and not her, how she had done everything for me and I had done nothing. I finally broke down and presented this idea to my mother. She kind of chuckled at me. At said, "Logan, I'm fine, whatever happens. The truth is, that you did everything for my life, you ARE my life..." this hit me hard. What kind of a son was I? wanting to bring my mother new cars, houses, things of worldly value, things that ultimately meant nothing in comparison to what I had already given her. I soon realized the gift of having people around you, and that sometimes they are better than life itself. To this day, i still regret my venture to a hasty man hood. Why hadn't I just stayed where I should have been? I talk to my mother everyday on the phone. I have to, its my one happy thing in my day. I've learned that, yes, i have some goals, but sometimes I need to stop and look around at the people I love, and just be glad i'm fortunate enough to have them their.
This was a lesson that took 20 years to learn. And a lesson I will regret not learning sooner for the rest of my life.
I thank everyone for being their for me, and i'm happy to say that despite having no hope for my mothers future, I did recieve a glimmer of hope. Although not a lot, its still a glimmer, that i will hold onto. I won't let you go mother. I promise i'll never lose site of what really matters.
Live each day with purpose. Live each day with love. Live each day.
Sunday, April 5, 2009
my friend erin rulez!
she is the ultimate master at finding cool shit on youtube..
also...this guy got fifth in the bangyoself 2 thang. he's a ripper.
also...this guy got fifth in the bangyoself 2 thang. he's a ripper.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
I know you are on the internet to look at porn, but...
not to cock block will and his very thoughtful post (which you should read), but I randomly feel the need to blog.
I'm scared.
I try so so so so hard, and i feel like sometimes this effort is in vain. I try to make a lasting impact on filming in my area, and skateboarding, and i honestly don't feel that anyone is that hyped, or cares that much. It seems to me that everyone just wants to see what they have always seen, and zero progression in production value.
Seems to me that i owe it to what i love to do to progress, despite little or no motivation from skateboarders in the area. Now this may seem like random bitching, but such is not the case. It makes me wonder why i'm doing what i'm doing though. Am I putting effort into something that isn't worth it? Am I making products that people just don't give a fuck about?
Am I blind?
Maybe I am. But then again, maybe that's the best way to go about things.
Moving on. If the following offends you, then too bad, its a blog, and it's the internet. Furthermore, I don't really care. Me and Bjorn were listening to this tape we bought as a joke the other day. The tape was entitled "America: Why I Love Her." Now we were listening to it for a while, and we both thought it was pretty funny. Slowly though, it began to make me extremely sad. Hear me out. Here is a tape whos sole purpose is to show how much John Wayne loves his country. Now a days, we don't see that anymore. Too often are people criticized for standing for something, and instead, they don't stand for anything, not even their own country.
Simply put, I'm tired of people being so bashful about where they are from (I've been guilty of this before, so please no that i speak with myself in mind). I believe that as Americans, we have the duty to question what our country does. We have the duty to change it, to reform it, to say what we think. But at the same time, we have the duty to care for it, and love it. Instead of saying "America is evil" etc, push to do something about it. Think its impossible? Hardly. We are given so much upon birth, and yet we some how think that we live in such a shit hole. If you don't like the state of the place you live in, then do something about it, stand for something, anything. The man who stands for nothing, doesn't stand at all. Be against laws, policies, etc, or be for them. Get involved. It's your liberty, so use it.
You probably hate me right now, I don't care.
I'm scared.
I try so so so so hard, and i feel like sometimes this effort is in vain. I try to make a lasting impact on filming in my area, and skateboarding, and i honestly don't feel that anyone is that hyped, or cares that much. It seems to me that everyone just wants to see what they have always seen, and zero progression in production value.
Seems to me that i owe it to what i love to do to progress, despite little or no motivation from skateboarders in the area. Now this may seem like random bitching, but such is not the case. It makes me wonder why i'm doing what i'm doing though. Am I putting effort into something that isn't worth it? Am I making products that people just don't give a fuck about?
Am I blind?
Maybe I am. But then again, maybe that's the best way to go about things.
Moving on. If the following offends you, then too bad, its a blog, and it's the internet. Furthermore, I don't really care. Me and Bjorn were listening to this tape we bought as a joke the other day. The tape was entitled "America: Why I Love Her." Now we were listening to it for a while, and we both thought it was pretty funny. Slowly though, it began to make me extremely sad. Hear me out. Here is a tape whos sole purpose is to show how much John Wayne loves his country. Now a days, we don't see that anymore. Too often are people criticized for standing for something, and instead, they don't stand for anything, not even their own country.
Simply put, I'm tired of people being so bashful about where they are from (I've been guilty of this before, so please no that i speak with myself in mind). I believe that as Americans, we have the duty to question what our country does. We have the duty to change it, to reform it, to say what we think. But at the same time, we have the duty to care for it, and love it. Instead of saying "America is evil" etc, push to do something about it. Think its impossible? Hardly. We are given so much upon birth, and yet we some how think that we live in such a shit hole. If you don't like the state of the place you live in, then do something about it, stand for something, anything. The man who stands for nothing, doesn't stand at all. Be against laws, policies, etc, or be for them. Get involved. It's your liberty, so use it.
You probably hate me right now, I don't care.
Monday, March 30, 2009
the fountain of youth
this topic arrouse the other night while hanging out with cassy and andrew after old pizza..we were done watching Fargo and were skipping through channels when we came across the bernie mac show. it got us thinking, how old was bernie mac when he died, we discovered he was in his 50's, and still using the same methods and cliches of humor popular among it got me thinking old are some of your favorite rappers, and does their age match their musical content??
my friend jason is in his late 30's, but he skates like he's in his twenties. i knew of jason years before i ever met him becuase of his old band, Grandaddy, and would have never guessed he was of that age. not that your late 30's is old by anymeans, but near middle age does not really reflect the age my friends and i when we were pumped on grandaddy. we were about 18-20ish.
so, rappers seem to be stuck in a state of being perpetually care-free 22 year olds. so i guess the we need to consider the maturity level of the musical content versus actually physical age and the supposed maturity level one "should" be at that age and figure out who is doing the best job at defying nature.
DR. Dre-age, 44- he has the personal of a mid-twenties thug, running the streets with viscous cold blooded authority, a man who has seen the worst and is a vet before his prime, but, in fact, he is middle aged thug, telling kids whats up, and how they dont even know.
Snoop Dogg- age,37.-came on as a young buck but now has matured with swagger and pimp-status beyond compare, he's not hiding from his age, but rather, showing he can still hang with the young dudes, and probably bag more babes.
Eminem-age, 36.- Eminem is my pick for the winner of this little fountain of youth contest between gangster rap heavyweights. though still the youngest of the three, the gap between the maturity of his public image and societies expectations of a man in their mid-30s is astounding. think about it, how many 36 year old men do you know run around acting like a methed-out bratty eighth grader? probably none.
i cant even believe that Jason Lee, one the "old-man" legends of skateboarding, and a hero to many, is only two years eminems senior, and when we compare legacies the differences is night and day.. age and maturity is a tricky mistress.
so, i guess what im trying to say is stay young at heart, but also act your age, its a balance i supose. but if you want to stay young forever, or at least convince yourself that you are staying young while the rest of the world says, "who the fuck is he trying to kid?", become a white-trash rap star.
my friend jason is in his late 30's, but he skates like he's in his twenties. i knew of jason years before i ever met him becuase of his old band, Grandaddy, and would have never guessed he was of that age. not that your late 30's is old by anymeans, but near middle age does not really reflect the age my friends and i when we were pumped on grandaddy. we were about 18-20ish.
so, rappers seem to be stuck in a state of being perpetually care-free 22 year olds. so i guess the we need to consider the maturity level of the musical content versus actually physical age and the supposed maturity level one "should" be at that age and figure out who is doing the best job at defying nature.
DR. Dre-age, 44- he has the personal of a mid-twenties thug, running the streets with viscous cold blooded authority, a man who has seen the worst and is a vet before his prime, but, in fact, he is middle aged thug, telling kids whats up, and how they dont even know.
Snoop Dogg- age,37.-came on as a young buck but now has matured with swagger and pimp-status beyond compare, he's not hiding from his age, but rather, showing he can still hang with the young dudes, and probably bag more babes.
Eminem-age, 36.- Eminem is my pick for the winner of this little fountain of youth contest between gangster rap heavyweights. though still the youngest of the three, the gap between the maturity of his public image and societies expectations of a man in their mid-30s is astounding. think about it, how many 36 year old men do you know run around acting like a methed-out bratty eighth grader? probably none.
i cant even believe that Jason Lee, one the "old-man" legends of skateboarding, and a hero to many, is only two years eminems senior, and when we compare legacies the differences is night and day.. age and maturity is a tricky mistress.
so, i guess what im trying to say is stay young at heart, but also act your age, its a balance i supose. but if you want to stay young forever, or at least convince yourself that you are staying young while the rest of the world says, "who the fuck is he trying to kid?", become a white-trash rap star.
Friday, March 27, 2009
blogs are for losers
spike is moving, i will miss him. why do all my animals die lately, and the cat moves away. its stupid
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Fuck skateboarding
Fuck Skateboarding. I hate it. Now wait a second and hear me out. Skateboarding, a pastime that i have partaken in for years, is a deceiving thing. It hurts me physically, and yes, mentally. It pisses me off, makes me procrastinate, and yes, makes me despise winter. Whats more, its expensive, and fairly mainstream. Skateboarding makes you age quickly, and be hated by those that are aged. So here is to skateboarding, the worst thing to ever happen to my life. The only thing to happen to my life. my life. life itself. i fucking love you.
Now that that is over i must say that as of late I have decided to take a break from a few things:
My hunters orange hat
Not shaving
Not showering
Having a dirty room
Listening to hip hop and rap music.
why am i doing this? i have no clue actually. i just need a little break from some things, and to go back to normal in other areas. I love having a clean room, i love being clean, and i love having a cleanly shaven face. Stupid? maybe. Ignant'? probably.
On to bigger and better things. I will however be spending this summer working my ass off to promote jux in every way that is possible. I love filming, its the only thing that comes before skateboarding and my own health, and its time that i threw down, or at least tried to. My stuff may suck, oh well, at least my mom will want to watch it.
BTW, remember to tell your mother that you love her. Everyday, no matter how old, short, fat, or shallow you may be. You never know when your time with her may be shortened. I've really regretted not being better to my mother, and well its a little to late for regretting, but i guess i do. Love your mother DAMMIT. Don't just say you love her, mean it. I LOVE my mom. I always will.
Love everyone for that matter. Who the fuck cares if someone said something to so and so, or that person doesnt do this, or does do this, or makes you mad, or whatever lame excuse you can think of. Life is much too short to worry about who is who, and what is what. Just go with the flow, shake a hand or two, and get on with it.
But who am I to talk? I'm a hypocrite
Now that that is over i must say that as of late I have decided to take a break from a few things:
My hunters orange hat
Not shaving
Not showering
Having a dirty room
Listening to hip hop and rap music.
why am i doing this? i have no clue actually. i just need a little break from some things, and to go back to normal in other areas. I love having a clean room, i love being clean, and i love having a cleanly shaven face. Stupid? maybe. Ignant'? probably.
On to bigger and better things. I will however be spending this summer working my ass off to promote jux in every way that is possible. I love filming, its the only thing that comes before skateboarding and my own health, and its time that i threw down, or at least tried to. My stuff may suck, oh well, at least my mom will want to watch it.
BTW, remember to tell your mother that you love her. Everyday, no matter how old, short, fat, or shallow you may be. You never know when your time with her may be shortened. I've really regretted not being better to my mother, and well its a little to late for regretting, but i guess i do. Love your mother DAMMIT. Don't just say you love her, mean it. I LOVE my mom. I always will.
Love everyone for that matter. Who the fuck cares if someone said something to so and so, or that person doesnt do this, or does do this, or makes you mad, or whatever lame excuse you can think of. Life is much too short to worry about who is who, and what is what. Just go with the flow, shake a hand or two, and get on with it.
But who am I to talk? I'm a hypocrite
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Final countdown
We are leaving right now. Taco bell is calling my name
Ore-Kream Day Four from Adam Kirschhoffer on Vimeo.
Ore-Kream Day Four from Adam Kirschhoffer on Vimeo.
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Kreamy goodness and a tempting mistress

So basically my spring break diet consists of fast food. I have eaten at taco bell 6 times over break and am so sick of it. Taco bell is a devil woman thats all I can say. Any way we've been skating a bunch and are coming home tomorrow. The orecream experience is completely done. We skated the following parks:
Holly farm
Benedict (skateplaza)
Pier Park
and Hood River
It was an epic trip.
Here is some footage of epicnessssssss
Ore-Kream Day Three from Adam Kirschhoffer on Vimeo.
Friday, March 20, 2009
Ore-Kream Part 2
So a few days late but this is footy from tuesday in spokane and irrgon ore gone.
Ore-Kream Day Two from Adam Kirschhoffer on Vimeo.
Ore-Kream Day Two from Adam Kirschhoffer on Vimeo.
so its been a while
Haven't posted in a while
I've been busy you could say. Or maybe i just am imagining things. Regardless, I now am at a point of complete and pure exhaustion. I literally don't have much in me. Despite this i'm trying. It was my birthday, and I had about fifteen people wish me so. So thanks guys, i appreciate it! I just wish ALL of my other friends hadn't. Oh well, it wasn't great anyway, my dog died, so that just topped the day off with a cherry.
Despite all of this, i have a great life that does not merit any type of bitching.
seven eight nine ten
I've been busy you could say. Or maybe i just am imagining things. Regardless, I now am at a point of complete and pure exhaustion. I literally don't have much in me. Despite this i'm trying. It was my birthday, and I had about fifteen people wish me so. So thanks guys, i appreciate it! I just wish ALL of my other friends hadn't. Oh well, it wasn't great anyway, my dog died, so that just topped the day off with a cherry.
Despite all of this, i have a great life that does not merit any type of bitching.
seven eight nine ten
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
but kitties are far more gangster...
Taking a Stand
puppies are way doper and cuter then kittys. Supporting evidence:

That last one is all for nick

That last one is all for nick
Monday, March 2, 2009
i haven't posted in a i thought id share some music, not necessarily stuff im bumpin' at the moment, or my all time favorites, but just some jams that i dig. check it..
xiu xiu-i love the valley, oh!
animal collective-my girls
the rosewood thieves-los angeles
the magnetic fields-yeah.oh yeah!
daniel johnston-i am walking the cow
(upon watching this video i nearly broke down, daniel's health has fallen into serious disrepair in recent years, and he is still battling the same demons he always has. but his volatile music and humble performance still resonates through, he has brilliance that is very hard to come by.
xiu xiu-i love the valley, oh!
animal collective-my girls
the rosewood thieves-los angeles
the magnetic fields-yeah.oh yeah!
daniel johnston-i am walking the cow
(upon watching this video i nearly broke down, daniel's health has fallen into serious disrepair in recent years, and he is still battling the same demons he always has. but his volatile music and humble performance still resonates through, he has brilliance that is very hard to come by.
Skate snow
I was going to study all day today but I figured I would get more accomplished if I went skateboarding. I started off at world market. Biesus waxed the shit out of that slappy ledge. Its skating mighty fine. Legend showed up and talked about building a concrete bank on the snow banks. I told him it was the dumbest idea he had ever had, and he has had some stupid ideas. Afterwards went to the skatepark, which thanks to some ambitious Europeans was dry. I mean slightly dry. We shoveled the shallow end and should be ready soon. Anyway biesus and I discussed some weekly montages and got really stoked on skating. Im only updating this because this website needs some love and we need to compete with
Friday, February 27, 2009
Portland for spring break.
Portland for spring break, this is the route from missoula. I had it go through Irrigon so if we want to skate there on the way we could. Im getting stoked.
View Larger Map
The parks in the portland area that look fun...
West Linn
McMinville, Astoria and Lincoln City if we want to go to the coast.
Pier Park and holly farm are in portland
Hillsboro is really close
waldport if we go to the coast, thats where the time trials in the beauty and the beast video.
check them out
View Larger Map
The parks in the portland area that look fun...
West Linn
McMinville, Astoria and Lincoln City if we want to go to the coast.
Pier Park and holly farm are in portland
Hillsboro is really close
waldport if we go to the coast, thats where the time trials in the beauty and the beast video.
check them out
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Kreamup Volume One
So Kreamup is basically done. We need some more clips but the premier will happen soon, I'm thinking about a birthday celebration/premier. Keep you all posted about the updates. In the meantime enjoy this.
This is Maynard, Dave's cat. He is my favorite cat. As nick said tonight, if i had a laser pointer, I would have to purchase a cat shortly after.
This is Maynard, Dave's cat. He is my favorite cat. As nick said tonight, if i had a laser pointer, I would have to purchase a cat shortly after.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
iPhoto library bullshit
Well hey there all. I went skating tonight with Alex and Nate. We all landed new tricks. Hastings is fun, lots of lines to be had. Anyway, I guess I will do another iPhoto post, this time the theme is Freshman year of college. Every photo was taken inside the man cave Langford. That place sucks pretty bad but there were a few cool people.
Scuba was taking a nap and I straight up ollied onto that bitches bed on the day we moved out. Photo by Micheal Bloechle

Also on move out day, Chris wanted me to photographically document his accomplishments.

Scuba and Rod compare body type shirtless in the Langford bathroom. Yikes.

This first photo was taken during one weekend when scuba went home. Me and D-bag Chris took duct tape and wrote Scuba loves anal on the wall for all so see. Chris thought it was funny as shit, and i agreed with him, scuba even left it up there for the rest of the year.
Scuba was taking a nap and I straight up ollied onto that bitches bed on the day we moved out. Photo by Micheal Bloechle
Also on move out day, Chris wanted me to photographically document his accomplishments.
Scuba and Rod compare body type shirtless in the Langford bathroom. Yikes.
This first photo was taken during one weekend when scuba went home. Me and D-bag Chris took duct tape and wrote Scuba loves anal on the wall for all so see. Chris thought it was funny as shit, and i agreed with him, scuba even left it up there for the rest of the year.
Friday, January 30, 2009
so i was into Micah Hollinger for a while about a year ago. today i got beast and put on my crimson sweatshirt which reminded me of Micah because he did ride for them. any way here's vid i think will is going to enjoy his style the most.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
iPhoto Library fun!!!
Hey fellas. I thought i would entertain you fuckers with some random photos from my iPhoto library.
- First we have my Pug Boris. I shot this as he was chasing after me through the house one day. Look at that intent look on killing my shoes in his eyes.
- Second is a photo of me from the edge of the world mini. I have entitled it "Gettin my finger all up in there". Its a few years old.
- Third is a very disturbing image of my freshman roommate Scuba.Langford does strange things to you.
-Fourth is my friend Beau having sex with a cow skeleton made to look like a dinosaur at my elementary school.

- First we have my Pug Boris. I shot this as he was chasing after me through the house one day. Look at that intent look on killing my shoes in his eyes.
- Second is a photo of me from the edge of the world mini. I have entitled it "Gettin my finger all up in there". Its a few years old.
- Third is a very disturbing image of my freshman roommate Scuba.Langford does strange things to you.
-Fourth is my friend Beau having sex with a cow skeleton made to look like a dinosaur at my elementary school.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009
did you know...
...that josh harmony quit toy machine to ride scooter? well its true, forget what those reliance ads tell you.
REviseddd TPC part from matt mckeen on Vimeo.
REviseddd TPC part from matt mckeen on Vimeo.
Saturday, January 24, 2009
good lord.
other people need to post on here, or i'll make this my place to put up alot of dumb garbage and porn links. i guess it'll become bjorn's favourite site then..
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
the uppers aren't nessacary. the guilt is a coal.
i know, i know. its another clip of some dude i cant stop talking about. "yup, Will made another post about some gonz/ricky oyola rip-off, man, he's a real whoreface."
mike anderson i think is the sickest am in the game right now, him or grant taylor. my favorite tricks are the bs 5050 bs 180 on the fence, the boardslide to fakie on the ledge with the gaps of both ends, and the fs180 fakie5050 half cab out on the hubba, crazy shit. with one of the wildest, coolest styles ever, like he's a that cool kid on campus thats on the finge and eats alot of shrooms and is dating the football coaches daughter, much to his disatisfaction. his style scream out to me, like he's mackin' on his girl after class, and the coach catches him, "Anderson, step away from my little girl or drop and give me fifty!"
mike replies, "no way man! you'll never get me!" then he skates to his getaway, but not before a wild goose chase through school insues involving the coach, the principle, and the mean janitor. the chase would include a wicked guitar solo and many acid-drops, climaxing with a mean mute grab onto the hood of the priciples car, then skitching a ride behind his bros old rusty nova, weed smoke and punk rock drifting from the windows.
aw, the good ol' day, that i never lived.
mike anderson i think is the sickest am in the game right now, him or grant taylor. my favorite tricks are the bs 5050 bs 180 on the fence, the boardslide to fakie on the ledge with the gaps of both ends, and the fs180 fakie5050 half cab out on the hubba, crazy shit. with one of the wildest, coolest styles ever, like he's a that cool kid on campus thats on the finge and eats alot of shrooms and is dating the football coaches daughter, much to his disatisfaction. his style scream out to me, like he's mackin' on his girl after class, and the coach catches him, "Anderson, step away from my little girl or drop and give me fifty!"
mike replies, "no way man! you'll never get me!" then he skates to his getaway, but not before a wild goose chase through school insues involving the coach, the principle, and the mean janitor. the chase would include a wicked guitar solo and many acid-drops, climaxing with a mean mute grab onto the hood of the priciples car, then skitching a ride behind his bros old rusty nova, weed smoke and punk rock drifting from the windows.
aw, the good ol' day, that i never lived.
Friday, January 16, 2009
came down on that shit rolling...
i just re-found my favorite skate edit ever made. the raw shit, city shit. one of these days im going to get up and move to a major city, make art, and skateboard alot. cruise around, weave through traffic and people, and i'll love every minute of it. looking back on all those old workshop videos i remember how much i envied pappalardo and wenning and pat cocoran, they were my same age, maybe a year older, and shredding love park and brooklyn banks everyday, i wished i was doing that to so bad. its crazy to think that its been a decade since photosynthesis came out, and how much things have changed, but its still fresh to me.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
will breadslee is a big creep.
im not sure who this Will Breadslee character is, but he aparently wants andrew terribly.
Chase Scene from Adam Kirschhoffer on Vimeo.
Chase Scene from Adam Kirschhoffer on Vimeo.
Saturday, January 3, 2009
man oh man
i have not posted on this thing in some time. Missoula is the shit, love this place, still stoked to get back to boze as well. New years was sick, i tried to do the wizard stick thing, only could get a staff half as high as i am, and puked twice. I would not have survived beauty and the beast tour. I randomly came across this video on the tube, its the most epic shit i have ever seen, camera beams, shitty ollies, shitty style in general. its so wrong that its right! i dont know how to link that shit so just copy and past the address yaheard...
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