Friday, April 24, 2009

Sure Fire Plan to skate the Berrics

The other day I stumbled upon a list of odd celebrity baby names and Jason Lee's child was on there. Her name, Pilot Inspektor (its actually spelled like that). Anyway I read the blurb and it turns out that the name was inspired by a Grandaddy song, He's Simple, He's Dumb, He's the Pilot. Anyway, last night I attended a party in which I talked to Rob Murdock about his summer plans and we got to discussing Jason Lytle and his tour. I mentioned that Jason inspired Jason. Rob said he was going to LA and he knew how he would skate the Berrics. Jason would Contact Jason Lee, saying, oh you named your kid after my lyrics, can you get me into the Berrics. I'll get you tickets to my show, or some other perk that musicians are entitled to. Jason Lee, being a huge fan would allow Jason and Rob to come to the Berrics. It actually is a reasonable plan and even Dave said it was 100% guaranteed that Rob would skate the Berrics.

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