Friday, October 10, 2008

you can always depend on the kindness of strangers

This morning i learned that some random people will sometimes have your back completely. Last night i went to a bar, very close to my hotel in Rome. we drank and talked to some dutch kids. zou je myn snor willen beryden translates to "would you like a mustache ride" in dutch. anyway, all my american friends left to go to sleep, i stayed at the bar, talked with an Afghani man who told me that he hates america, understandable i suppose. next thing i remember, i am standing outside with some italian dude in my face, i think he was asking me if i knew how to get home. fucking language barrier is so frustrating sometimes. fast forward a few hours to me waking up on the floor in some random apartment in rome. oh fuck. i did not lose a thing, except maybe my sweater but i gotta go back to the bar to get that. i am very greatful. one person cared about my well being so much that they offered me a place to stay for the night. would you let some foreign person who did not speak you language and was totally wasted sleep on your floor? hell no i wouldnt, but maybe now i will. last night i was at an unsafe level of drunk, and it wasnt good. i also got back to my hostel a bit too late and missed my friends there, so now i am waiting in the lobby of this place, using the internet, just kind of waiting for someone i know to show up.

i have not been skating that much lately, but i guess i can wait until barcelona. later

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