Sunday, October 12, 2008

Legend in the library

Lately every time Im at the library, legend is just lurking on the computers, doing god knows what. He threw a bottle cap at me tonight, the other night I asked him what he was doing he replied, "just trying to get out of this fucking town." I wonder what people think of this dirtbag on the computers all the time looking up bus tickets. Do people think he is student? Could the group grow just by having legend at the library. Legend is just fucking epic, a step from being homeless, and a step from being a legitimate skateboarder. Maybe he is really fucking good at chess or something. Well ramble ramble, still sick, no skateboarding, went fixed gear freestyling, got some products from Ragnar. Fall is coming back later this week and i might leave the house more once it gets less cold and snowy. This is when i left the house, I play the role of personal assistant 1 and brian was PA2.

This Winter... from Logan Triplett on Vimeo.

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