Skateboarding remains rad. The filming for kreamup continues to rape and pillage besides the fact we are missing our dear friend nick weber. School is more hectic than ever. I hope it gets shitty out for 3 days. Anyway for the weekend rapup. Friday, got drunk after class with bjorn and sessioned a painted curb in front of our house. It was honestly the best skatespot ive skated in a while. After that i smoked and obtained fletcher status. I then began on an epic bike ride to pick up hot and readys, one for me and one for logan. Got back and logan was wasted, overall a fun night.
Today, woke up at 11 and went to RMR where I was completely out of it. We went to some new spots and Logan destroyed each and and every one. Tricks were had by all. Later, we particapated in a Next Invasion Drinking game. Basically it involved everyone drinking(bong hits for nate) every time a mobbed trick was landed or everytime they demonstrated a "rager" attitude. We were drunk instantly. Logan drank 2 beers during the intro. Nate played everytime his girlfriend was on screen he would take a massive bong hit. I played everytime that douche talked I take a massive chug. After that we went to this party. Got more drunk and went for a ride with Adam and Andrew. Bombed hills, and flipped off a diesel truck where they proceeded to go into the parking lot we were in and a drunk girl yelled "fucking bicycle fags!!!!!!!" Ha. Riding at night is so sick. Anyway Im tired and Drunk im going to bed grateful.
Thanks to all that made my week epic, all the kreamers (Bjorn, Logan, Will, Nate, Adam, Andrew, Bailey, Bri Pod, Guggey, Robin and Cassy) Thanks for making my weekend awesome. You are all the best.

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