So friday night Nick, Will and I went to Nick's house. While nick was getting ready upstairs for a "montana tacky t and cutoff" party, will and I sad downstairs. Will spoted this honest to god note on Nick's table. One of the things on the list is an inside joke, but none the less, it's still funny.

The next morning Nick came in to RMR hung over looking like this. Apparently everyone thought his shorts where much too long. Nothing a quick cut couldn't fix.

Anyway, Nick Weber is the greatest. And he leaves today. I'm going to miss the fuck out of him. But its only three months. I'm sure everyone can vouch for how awesome Nick is. Have fun in europe!
Anyway, I'm in oregon for a couple days filming, and visiting my mom and such. So I'll be back wednesday morning!

Oh and Robin Miller has a birthday tomorow! Happy birthday! This pic is for you!
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