Sunday, August 31, 2008
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Sono stato aggredito
So i arrived in Italy last night, this place is beautiful. Its warm and sunny, I am ready to skate soon. Anyway, I spent some time in Manchester, then London, then Amsterdam! I walked across Abbey Road, saw Big Randy (i heard that some people call it Big Ben), skated South Bank, that was fun. Amsterdam was good. Stayed in a five star hotel for two nights, then a shitty dirty hostel the next. Went to the Van Gogh museum and the house that Anne Frank hid in. Hit the town and went to a "coffeeshop", which is a codeword for a place to buy and smoke weed. I smoked a spliff with two nice english chaps, and hit the town and baught a gram, rolled a fatty J, played pool and smoked that shit son! Left the bar and walked around the redlight district, crazy shit. Prostitutes knock on their glass to try and get your attention, and you look at them and they roll their finger at you like "come here!" its best just to keep walking. Saw some really, really fat black chicks in black leather behind the glass as well. Heiniken was cheap, and the pancakes were amazing. I went to a fun skatepark, Skated back through the city and found some fun stuff. I am going to explore Perugia and see if it has any skatespots, and hopefully do some filming.
Friday, August 29, 2008
get hippie.
i love devendra banhart and natalie portman! and i think ive finally decided on a song..
amsterDAMN gurl that ass too fat!
Booze? Weed? Vincint Van Gogh? Prostitutes? Five star hotels? English people? Anne frank? Skateboarding? Amsterdam is an amazing city and I will have a lenghty post as soon as I get to the villa. You guys broke in a beer bong without me!? All beer bongs have names, think of a good one!
So I made a bet with cassy that i could go a week with out eating meat. So long fast food for a week or so. Maybe longer. Keep yall posted. Footage is going to be stacked this weekend. The kreamaz have a new beer bong it has been broken in............... later
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Im Back
For all who read this probably know, I am in fact back. The first few days have been fun and full of skateboarding. Today Paulius, Bjorn, Dallas and I skated the big sky mini ramp. The ramp is sick and was slayed by all. Sometime in the near future if bjorn goes to bed before logan an I we are going to get really drunk and write on him(only if he is completly sober). Well other than that there is nothing huge to report. Im going to bed.
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Damn that Piss
-So summer is winding down. Thats more than I can say for myself. For some reason this last month of summer has made me want summer to go on longer. Anyway Worked yesterday then went to the park, skated with Adam, and we discussed camera stuff like nerds. It was a good time. When I first got to the park I fiftied the pyramid and then frontside grinded the quarter and then out of nowhere kf front five front shoved out the box. I was hyped cuz it was a line and I actually felt like it looked ok, which is huge for me. But then two hours passed and there i was, sucking it up again. At least legend was hyped. "Man, you are fuckin' killin' the park today man" and then "I figured out why you where killin' it so bad" and then gave me a long explanation somewhere along the lines of "i was horny for skateboarding." Anyway I'm just working all day due to it being fletchers b day so I said i would cover for him. So yay five thirty to six thirty! Anyway I need the money, buying hi end porn filming equipment can really be dreadful on your cashflow. Anyway Me and Paulius got drunk last night. I was like well I can't go out cuz I have to work in the morning, so he came over we watched some skate videos and got drunk off way too few beers. I hadn't eaten all day neither had Piss. It went right through us, and by five I couldnt drive. Anyway this was at like nine thirty ha, it felt like twelve. Then Robin and Cassie came over and I was drunk but sobering (this was about eleven thirty). Then by twelve I was sober. Went to bed, blah blah blah.
-Anyway, I've come to realize that I have no idea whats going on in the skate world. Seriously, I dont read mags anymore, dont check the blogs, nothing. I am an apathetic skateboarder, never thought it would come to this. Much love!!!
Logie Bear
-Anyway, I've come to realize that I have no idea whats going on in the skate world. Seriously, I dont read mags anymore, dont check the blogs, nothing. I am an apathetic skateboarder, never thought it would come to this. Much love!!!
Logie Bear
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Follow Up:Legend Contest
Thrashers contest is coming up and sierra is on the list as well as gravette should be sick.
nothing new, but more nerding out.
i just woke up from a nap and feel kinda groggy. im going to music on main for the first time in about two summers, im going drink a hot dog and eat a beer and mingle with the beautiful people, namly robin and logan, but mostly logan. hey, im getting rid of a WHOLE BUNCH of clothes, any kreamers wanna raid it before it goes to sal-vo?
mike anderson is quikly becoming my favorite skater, peep it.
did you see the f.s. half cab to crooked grind?!? would that be a gaytwist crook? i dont know! but its awesome.
ok, bye
mike anderson is quikly becoming my favorite skater, peep it.
did you see the f.s. half cab to crooked grind?!? would that be a gaytwist crook? i dont know! but its awesome.
ok, bye
I bought an hvx! guess what that means... I'm broke!!!!!!! ok so not that badly broke, but still. Anyway I got back from Oregon safe and sound. What a trip, sat next to a drunk guy the whole way back. At one point he got a little creepy, but I wont hold that against him. As long as i was left unscathed!
Its early
Its early
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Party in da club, bottles full of Cheeky V
so last night, hit da pub up, drank fosters and had a burger and chips (fries), drank cheeky V which is an alcoholic drank that tastes like a juice they have here. went to a club with darren, stephanie, and a bunch of his friends. the club was so fun, they played indie rock, most songs i recognized from skate videos. everybody drunkenly sang along, it was perfect. somebody was shooting photos. i was dancing with some girl named Emma? Emily? I dunno, i could not understand what the hell she was saying with her english accent in the loud club. I drank cheap beer and redbull vodkas, i spent a lot of money, but it was well worth it. It was fun telling people i was an american, they were amped. I kind of want to go back soon. I am going to get some Smiths and Joy Division from Darren, because they are all from Manchester.
PS, did I leave anyone out of the team photo/montage???
PS, did I leave anyone out of the team photo/montage???
This is Bestbuys homepage
Today Bjorn and I traveled to best buy where I put the background as the newly photoshoped team photo as the background on 3 computers as well as making the homepage our blog. I think they automatically reset themselves every 5 minutes but there was at least 5 minutes of glory for our crew. Anyway we went to the gnarliest park and filmed on the least gnarly feature for a while. It was really fun and extremely hot. So we decided to go and drink beers around a campfire. We went to this lame party afterwards and acted like big pieces of shit. We drank all of the beer in the fridge (2 beers a piece) and bjorn high fived every girl at the party. He also became a legend by taking a shot of tobassco sauce.
Sam and Bjorn were giving me shit about how bad I am at picking shows to watch on tv. Ill be fliping through the channels and there will be a show like. Extreme Rockets or Killer Abs and bjorn thinks "oh this looks like a show i never want to watch" and ill think "Fuck yeah Killer abs" Its so true i do watch some dumb shit. Well we are leaving for Bozeman on Friday and we will get there on saturday. We are planning on a vacation to south dakota for one day. Should be sick.
Im excited to see everyone who reads this. I know you all!!!!!
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
this has nothing to do with anything, except skating, and it get me hyped. ive watched this short montage of matix ams probably 20 times since i first saw it two days ago. mike anderson is the shit(i want to skate like him so bad!), van wastell is awesome, and tony karr ollies north is one of the sickest moves out there.
this makes me want to go learn pop-shuv lipslide pop-outs at the hastings ledges.
i promised cassy i would be in bed sleeping by now, sorry cassy.
this makes me want to go learn pop-shuv lipslide pop-outs at the hastings ledges.
i promised cassy i would be in bed sleeping by now, sorry cassy.

So here I am in Manchester UK. pretty place. I slept for 15 hours last night due to jetlag. TJ Max is known as TK Max here. Its raining here. I had some free time before i go to a pub so i made a team montage. Rhianna is playing on the radio. I heard Dont Stop Believin on the radio today at an indoor ski hill. God bless america!
Monday, August 18, 2008
part two of a big adventure..
i missed this last chunk of the trip, had to come back to boz and taking care of bidness, and i wish dave and john could have been there for dillon, butte and anaconda, but well, it was still beyond awesome..
highlights include jason lytle's music, johns no-comply finger flip on the polson hip, and simon mean muggin'. enjoy.
highlights include jason lytle's music, johns no-comply finger flip on the polson hip, and simon mean muggin'. enjoy.
Sunday, August 17, 2008
under the big ass sky.
here is a video rob's friend dave from wisco made of our awesome bachelor party trip for rob murdah. sorry, i got no tricks but thats ok, instead to get to watch jason lytle(who i feature in a post earlier this week) shred. and b-nuggs does a kickflip!
part two coming soon, peace!
part two coming soon, peace!
All hale Nick Weber

So friday night Nick, Will and I went to Nick's house. While nick was getting ready upstairs for a "montana tacky t and cutoff" party, will and I sad downstairs. Will spoted this honest to god note on Nick's table. One of the things on the list is an inside joke, but none the less, it's still funny.

The next morning Nick came in to RMR hung over looking like this. Apparently everyone thought his shorts where much too long. Nothing a quick cut couldn't fix.

Anyway, Nick Weber is the greatest. And he leaves today. I'm going to miss the fuck out of him. But its only three months. I'm sure everyone can vouch for how awesome Nick is. Have fun in europe!
Anyway, I'm in oregon for a couple days filming, and visiting my mom and such. So I'll be back wednesday morning!

Oh and Robin Miller has a birthday tomorow! Happy birthday! This pic is for you!
Saturday, August 16, 2008
shout outs..
hi, its will. im sorta-ish drunk.
saw some hammers go down today, said goodbye to sven, said goodbye to the beard, partied.
..but most IMPORTANTLY!!! big ups to robin and cassy, they read this shit, they know whats up. holla!
alright piece, and peace. im sleepy.
saw some hammers go down today, said goodbye to sven, said goodbye to the beard, partied.
..but most IMPORTANTLY!!! big ups to robin and cassy, they read this shit, they know whats up. holla!
alright piece, and peace. im sleepy.
Friday, August 15, 2008
Bjorn Ryan-Gorman is in MN
Bjorn is here and we have just straight up slayed Minneapolis and the western suburbs. Wednesday we went to 3rd lair where just some crazy shit went down. Bjorn learned to destroy the bowl and I got my skating legs back. We didnt film at all there. Bjorn ended up sweating through his shirt and we went home to get another before going to Minneapolis to skate this private mini ramp session. The ramp was so sick. Actually both ramps were fun. One was a 4ish by 20' ramp. The other was a 3 by 15' with a spine in the middle. They were so fun we skated for a few hours untill I injured my foot doing the gnarliest trick ever. We all got shots and had a good time. Yesterday Bjorn and I went to the Mall of America in search of desert camo cargo shorts for Bjorn. We didnt look to hard and just walked around every floor going into 3 shops. The vans store is so sick. I was temped by their clothes and they had every style of Vans from this year. We went back and played mario cart on wii and we battled people from around the country and got our asses handed to us every single time. Well footage will come soon later
News Letter
So Bjorn and I were talking about the idea of putting out a hard copy of our blog to the 5 people who read it. 3 of which live in the same house. It would be an exciting idea. So if you would like to join the Budda Kreamaz News letter please email me your address. In the news letter you will find.....Coupons, Recipes, Tips, News, Knowledge, Random Goodies, and a valuable autographed (copy) picture of all the blog contributers.
My recent addiction to pop culture.
-So before coming to Bozeman I have never had cable TV. MTV (although I have watched it a lot before) is almost completely new for me. Now let me tell you, at our house, 24/7 MTV Jams is on. Even after only a few weeks of this "pop culture" education, I feel like I have a good grasp on what it means to be a hip hop artist. First, you must have a name. Something that reps who you are. If you look young maybe throw a young in front of it, or if you are fat, well throw a fat in front of it. Whats more, you must rap about pointless things such as fake wealth, and keeping your ho's in good working condition. Also, it is necessary to show plenty of rental jewelry, and paid models thrusting themselves upon you. Nick put it best, rap videos are just insane because you get to see all these people just doing rediculous things. One of my favorites is one of little wayne's songs. In the beginning he talks about how all these bad things are happening in the world, and then goes on to explain how we can fix these things. His solution to economic hard times, hunger, and racism: "if you've got money and you know it, take it out yo' pocket, show it, and throw it." Wow, what wisdom. Why didn't you become a financial advisor lil wayne? or better yet, an economist. I think I'll start by taking the tips I made today out of my pocket, and showing them, and proudly throwing them. That will sure stop global warming. Ha, well thats my rant. Casey left, been filming lots, you know how it goes. Nick leaves soon, cant believe he didnt even own cum dumpster...
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Europe... blimey!!!
I leave for europe in a few days, and I must say that I am very excited. Three whole months in Europe!? Fuck yeah! I am bringing my shitty video camera along (complete with screw-on fisheye lens) in hopes of getting some Kream-Up V.1 clips. Although the trip is going to be amazing, I will miss my friends and family, my dogs, my bike named cum-dumpster, the kreamaz and the bozeman skatepark, and getting drunk on my porch, but its not like I am gone forever, its just three months. See you in November. I will post updates on this shit so check often (for the five of us that read this thing).
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
rob and jens wedding...
it was beautiful and awesome. seriously one the best weekends of my life. i'll update this later in more detail, and include some photos from the bachlor party skate tour also, but in the meantime i leave with this...
if you dont know who jason lytle he is the former singer/songwriter for the successful band Grandaddy. he is also a extremely talented skater and close friend of jen and rob. i unfortunatly missed this little session in the tippee, i had gone to bed(i was pretty drunk and tired after seeing Sick Pony(another great band) at the hungry bear bar) but fortunatly our friend dave captured it for us all to see.
not to get all sad and sappy, but this really an amazing wedding for two of the most amazing people i know..
if you dont know who jason lytle he is the former singer/songwriter for the successful band Grandaddy. he is also a extremely talented skater and close friend of jen and rob. i unfortunatly missed this little session in the tippee, i had gone to bed(i was pretty drunk and tired after seeing Sick Pony(another great band) at the hungry bear bar) but fortunatly our friend dave captured it for us all to see.
not to get all sad and sappy, but this really an amazing wedding for two of the most amazing people i know..
Monday, August 11, 2008
Bros vs. Brahs
I went to the Irish festival last night and was hanging out with some buddies on the end of a Pier and some drunk bros came over and talked to us. Dan tried to convince them to come on his talk show and we ended up talking to them for a while. They were the most stereotypical Bros ive ever met. They all used said "Chill" a lot. Not like oh were just chilling, but rather like "oh bro did you see ..... at 10k they were so chill" Dan told them he played guitar and hosts a college radio show and they were like oh thats chill do you know of like DMB and shit. It was a pretty dumb conversation. Every thing was just so chill with these kids.
After the concert I went to sams house to hang out with Pete and Sam. We drank beers in his room and reminisced about getting caught smoking there 3 years ago. We watched Star Wars and talked about the subtle differences between Bros and Brahs. We basically couldnt come up with any major differences but these. Bros say chill and are usually drink more and have a very shallow personality, they tend to like DMB. (Logan i know you arent a bro just because you like Dave Matthews) Brahs dont say chill as much and smoke more pot and try to learn acoustic guitar, especially jack johnson. They love music festivals and you know just hanging out playing ultimate, drinking beer and being around hallucinogenics.
Back to the night. So we had a 12 pack of grain belt which we drank quickly and we made the sickest beeramid out of it. So funny we were the lamest kids in town. Drinking beer in sams room watching Star Wars and 1 o'clock at night.
Look forward for some epic shit bjorn.....
After the concert I went to sams house to hang out with Pete and Sam. We drank beers in his room and reminisced about getting caught smoking there 3 years ago. We watched Star Wars and talked about the subtle differences between Bros and Brahs. We basically couldnt come up with any major differences but these. Bros say chill and are usually drink more and have a very shallow personality, they tend to like DMB. (Logan i know you arent a bro just because you like Dave Matthews) Brahs dont say chill as much and smoke more pot and try to learn acoustic guitar, especially jack johnson. They love music festivals and you know just hanging out playing ultimate, drinking beer and being around hallucinogenics.
Back to the night. So we had a 12 pack of grain belt which we drank quickly and we made the sickest beeramid out of it. So funny we were the lamest kids in town. Drinking beer in sams room watching Star Wars and 1 o'clock at night.
Look forward for some epic shit bjorn.....
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Three 6 MAFIA!
I had no clue that Stevie Williams was a fan. Goes to show what I know!
Friday, August 8, 2008
I just took the most epic hit of my life!
So yeah, as Nick stated, the trip was a blast. I spent about an hour logging one of the tapes last night. Man, even with an awesome computer, HD can be a pain in my ass! Anyway, heres a little photo album for everyone of my recent adventures. HEYAAAAA
Thursday, August 7, 2008
The Troll
A few of us decided to go on a skate daytrip to Dillon and Butte. Bjorn and Logan talked Diekman into driving. I joined the crew and drove my own car. The posse was Bjorn, Casey, Diekman in his car, and Logan, Dallas, Fletcher and I in my car. We headed to dillon first. Pretty fun park, except for the rocks in the snakerun, one of which bjorn hit immediately, pitching him into the facing wall. Fuck, ouch. Every time i tried to go around it I hit rocks too. The mini section was amazingly fun though. We all skated it for awhile, logan was filming with his new HD camera. We all got clips. I learned three new tricks. We got the fuck outta there and went to Dairy Queen. Delicious. Then we drove to Butte and skated as it got dark. I told some kid there that Bjorn was sponsored, and the kid immediately started asking the "how do i get sponsored" questions. It was funny. On our way outta Butte, zach got a flat tire, so we all hung out at some sleazy gas station while he fixed that shit. Rolled into Bozeman around eleven thirty, and i was dead tired. Somehow my roomate Mark and friend Cliffton talked me into going to a party. I played a game of beer pong and failed to make a single cup. House rules state that failure to make a cup means that you must sit underneath the beer pong table for the duration of the entire next game. You are the Troll under the table. It was my first time trolling. It wasnt so bad though because i got to wear an army flak jacket and helmet, and the three girls at the party came down and joined me for a picture, it wasnt too bad at all.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
FollowUp: Legend

I mentioned legend in the previous post because, as i mentioned, he was at wallenburg in 04. He told me it was three dudes, legend included, that Phelps was going to pay to jump down it. Legend told me he was going to try to tre flip it but the guy who went before him got completely jacked and the contest was over. Not even worth it. The contest isnt going to be at Wallenburg but rather at a secret spot. I was glad to see Sierra was mentioned in the mix.
Anyway, I am stoked to hear Bjorn is coming to MN! I cant wait to see you all in montana.
ps Anyone know whats going on with the helena skatepark?
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Legend had to hit this up
Thrasher website reads....
It started at Wallenberg in 1991, when Jesse Paez frontside 180’d the Big Four for 263 bucks. The kickflip was up next; Markovich got denied, but we gave him the cash anyway after some serious stacks. Then came 2004. I called ’em out, they came, they saw, they got broke. Aaron Artis? Gizmo? Anybody remember Elissa Steamer? Everybody out there, save the date and put this on your radar: On August 30th, 2008, history will be made as SF rises again. $10,000 for first place, $25,000 purse (this ain’t no Maloof shit, bitch), and I’ll give a grand to any broad who’ll jump the secret stack that we got lined up. Reynolds? Duffel? Ramondetta? Romero? Malto? Bachinsky? Gravette? Fellers? Dompierre? Come on down, more details coming real soon...
—Jake Phelps
—Jake Phelps
Legend told me he was at the one in 04 and was going to try to enter....We shall see it should be sick
When in Bozeman, do as your manager does.
So Bozo has been really good so far. Its safe to say that I'm being super lazy so far. The last few days we (Casey, Bjorn, and I) decided it would be a good idea to dress super trashy at the skate park. Yesterday we dressed in cut offs, overalls, and other such "red neck" apparel. I never that the time would come in my life where I would look this trashy. And to tell you the truth, I really enjoy doing so. Maybe its because its anti trendy. Or maybe its an ego issue. I have no clue. There just is something about dressing up in jerzies and cut offs that really appeals to me. My mother before I left asked me if I was smoking pot. I assured her that I wasn't. However, I think she desires to find a reason behind my recent habits in dressing, ha. I told her its because I "didn't give a fuck." Not too sure if she believed me. Anyway this is really random to be discussing. Especially anything about my mother.
Today Bjorn and I drove to about a billion different places to find me a parking permit. Each place told us some other place. This was a challenge for my patients. Anyway, we finished the night with a night sesh at smiths and the college. Nothing too eventful. Some good footy though.
Anyway, pumped to be home. This is the first time i really have had a permanent home. Can't wait for tomorrow.
Today Bjorn and I drove to about a billion different places to find me a parking permit. Each place told us some other place. This was a challenge for my patients. Anyway, we finished the night with a night sesh at smiths and the college. Nothing too eventful. Some good footy though.
Anyway, pumped to be home. This is the first time i really have had a permanent home. Can't wait for tomorrow.
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Yankton South Dakota
So my cousin got married this weekend and the reception was a bit of a shit show. I ended up talking to my uncle about his career as a cycling bum we would get up and fill our cups up about every 20 minutes. He had some epic stories and he ended up giving me his old race bike for free. Im stoked, he is an awesome uncle. I also talked to my other uncles and aunts and the reoccurring topic of choice was about how my dad got really drunk at my uncle's wedding when he was a freshman in college. He got so drunk that my grandpa never drank another drink in his entire life (25 years). Im glad I didn't make an ass out of myself this weekend. Also, 100 degrees in SD and 100 percent humidity. It sucked. I hear logan got pretty crazy and i am excited to go back to see all the budda kreamaz.
One thing I noticed. I never even got questioned about my age in South Dakota. Im pretty sure they have a no ID policy in that state and being drunk around all my relatives was great. They just gave me drinks even my mom gave me drinks. It was pretty fun. My ankle is great now and i am going to skate a bunch in the next weeks.
well later
Saturday, August 2, 2008
I was drugged and taken advantage of. Thanks Casey.

So yesterday me and my good friend Casey Bruff wake up in Kalispell at about five thirty in the morning. We ended up leaving at six after finally packing my car so full that i couldnt even see out the window. Anyway, that aside, we first headed to Polson, and warmed up at the park, this was followed by a trip to St. Ignacious, Missoula, Butte, Whitehall, and finally Bozeman. The drive was good, Casey spent the majority of the car ride buzzed from bicardi rum and coke. I, the driver, was sober. Well anyway, we get to Bozeman, skate a while, and then decide to go to Nicks and hang out. (I sound like a damn five year old with this blog, but oh well, college isnt for another month anyway, so I have a right to write like an infant). Anyway, I don't really drink that much, basically I'll have a few beers and thats it. Casey asked me if I wanted to try the coke and rum mix, I decided I would and just told him to keep in heavy on the coke. Well anyway, it was by no means heavy on the coke. I also ended up drinking it in about five minutes followed by another. Everyone else decided to go elsewhere, but me being sick with a bad cold, I decided it would be good to stay behind. After this I don't remember a thing. At four casey wakes me up and I throw up for an hour. Amazing. I also discovered a nazi swastica(thats not how you spell it but you get it) and a rather large penis on my body, along with a dirt stache. Well anyway, that was a lot of writing for nothing that big, but I just woke back up and am in a bad mood.
On a side note, i'm back in Bozeman! I need to throw up.
Love Logan.
Friday, August 1, 2008
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