Thursday, July 31, 2008
I have questions ready for logans interview but i was thinking i should just film it and make it interesting. Bjorn we film the day in the life of. Tell me your ideas. Let me know what you guys want to talk about during your video. I think a twelve pack or a couple of tall cans is called for.
and YOU think THATS bad!!!!??????
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
so yeah I'm an asshole
Well I guess this is the first time I've used this site. I guess its suitable now that I'm two days away from a permanent move to Bozeman. What have I been up to? Well, traveling and filming a lot for starters. But when I'm not doing that, I'm living in Kalispell, MT. Pretty boring there, and I feel that I have gotten the hang of being an asshole when I need to be. The traffic sucks, the police force is crooked, and I have no friends. Well maybe its not that bad, but still, I feel confident in saying that if the time came, I could be a genuine asshole. So congrats.
But I'm going to bozeman soon, so I guess there is no need for that...
But yeah, I should have a new jux montage up soon. So wait, or don't wait.
But I'm going to bozeman soon, so I guess there is no need for that...
But yeah, I should have a new jux montage up soon. So wait, or don't wait.
i effing called that shit
of course we all know malto is pro now. but what of the others featured in the highly anticipated soon to be released TWS vid "And Now"? my money was on trapasso, gravette, and richie jackson would the one to recieve the golden tickets. 1 outa 3 so far..
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Monday, July 28, 2008
Shotgun and cops
Friday night I was with some buddies and we decided to go to McDonalds. We roll by McDonalds to see if its open and we see 2 cop cars. Well McDonalds was closed, so we turned around and a nother cop car showed up. We saw the cops getting out of their car with shot guns and they were staying low to the ground and hiding behind a bush. Shit was going down. Once we pulled up to the stop light we looked into the McDonalds and the cops were getting closer and there was definately people inside the unlit building. I dont know what happened with it but it was really unusual to see cops with guns in Plymouth. The next night we craved McDonalds again and were on our way to a different one and we pull out of this neighborhood and a cop pulls us over. I didnt even believe it was happening. The driver, Stu, did not do anything wrong and the cop asked him "Do you know why I pulled you over?" Stu responded "No" The cop said "well you didnt exactly come to a complete stop back there" He took stu's info and let us go. It was the most uneventfull traffic stop. The funniest thing was that the cop was the most stereotypical cop and basically just pulled us over for no reason. He didn't even warn stu he just said. Have a nice night boys. I cant believe I just wrote that.
Last night Sam and I went to the Science Museum of Minnesota. We learned that the Science Museum is open later than most businesses in saint paul. 830am-1130pm every day. If I lived in saint paul I would go there all the time. They have Star Wars exhibit which was really sweet. They had a bunch of the orginal movie props and how technology is catching up with Star Wars technology. The best part of the science museum was the Omni Theatre. The omni theatre is really one of the coolest things. Its a 300 foot clam shell screen that comes down over another massive screen. It all in imax so epic it gets you dizzy and the previews were the best. The movie we watched was about special effects. The movie had every singe epic scene from Star Wars and from Independence day. There was this scene of all these explosions and cars going off cliffs. So awesome. Anyway, when we were at the starwars experience we ran into this guy who was fully dressed like a jedi and had a light saber. It was weird because you would expect an excentric fan to be like that opening day, which there were, but its been open all summer. I just thought it was funny. I have to hand it to the guy he was having a good time.

This is off topic. What is the deal with tall bikes? I am a huge fan of bikes and I enjoy ever different type of riding but what the fuck are they for? I just dont see the point in having a 6 foot tall bike. When ever I see someone riding them in minneapolis i really want to put a stick in the spoke. Its like walking around with stilts on all the time. The roots of tall bikes are practical. The original use being to light lamps in England. That makes sense. They were also used by the crank brothers during a time of flooding which is pretty sweet. But now they are mainly used for attention by anti establishment punkers. I like to say the hesher would be all about tall bikes. The tall bike just screams anarchy and chaos. The dad from the next invasion is a tall bike enthusiast.

So tall bikes are lame, Omni theatre is sick and John Cardiel Rips it.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
DJ Paul is a dog one you do not trust
Shaturday night was pretty epic. First off, drank beers with bjorn n steve my neighbor on our porch, it was a sleeveless day, we all looked like dirtbags. it was awesome. Left and went to dairy queen, good stuff. Then I went to my friend Kyles house, always a party there. Drank for a good amount of time. Played Moose with some people with Keystone. Some guy who was allergic to hopps told me that I look like Eric Foreman from that seventies show. Thats what people told me my senior year, and i hadnt heard it again until now. Some girl called me foreskin, which is apparantly eric foremans nickname. Turns out I also had on a tye dye fourskin shirt, so that was kind of weird. Bjorn steve and cassie came over to the party and drank a bunch. We got a great idea to prank call our buddy zach diekman. Steve is a master at a gay sounding voice, and he talked to zach for about 20 minutes. The shit he was coming up with was priceless. "we met at the anne defranco concert, and you held me and told me you loved me" The hardest i had laughed in a while. wow. we started walking to cassies house so she could give us all rides back to the birdhouses. during our drunken walk we saw two parties in the distance. bjorn and i ran to them. we all went back to steves house and bjorn got a fuckin sick mohawk. he looks like some gnarly austrailian punker. seriously, he looks fuckin gnarly. got up and went to work an hour and a half late cuz my power shut off at night... sorry will. went to the park today for awhile. good times.
Saturday, July 26, 2008
elwoods ramp
So last night my boy adam called me up and we skated the park for a little bit. There were little kids eveywhere and i kept almost taking a lot of them out. sort of fun sometimes but also scary. There was this group of people at one of the pavilions close to the skatepark just blasting some techno music. So after skating there for a little while we headed over to elwood's house and skated his ramp. It is the perfect ramp to me, huge coping, like 20 feet wide, 5 ft tall with a 7 ft extension. the extension has real pool coping. I now plan on skating that ramp as much as possible. Its rad cuz theres no little kids getting in my way and i can drink beer and not get into trouble. So adam and i went over and talked coops into skating with us, he was killing the extention. we will have to get some foootage for our video on this ramp. I got some pretty good lines on the ramp. its really fun to grind all the way across and stall up on the extention. cant wait to hitr up again.
Also im super excited that kreamer Logan is coming back to bozeman and we will get to skate wif dat kid.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Batman to Coast Guard
So I saw the new batman movie last night. Sam and I drove to fucking saint michael to see it at the IMAX and it was sold out and the one we got tickets to was not an IMAX. Saint Michael is like a half hour freeway drive from my house. But i was pleasntly surprised when we went to get the Magic Combo (2 Large, refilliable pops, and a large pop corn) from the consession stand which was 10.25 and we were like we have to do it. I mean I needed Pop and Popcorn right then and there. So I go up to the girl and order the magic combo and it was only 5.25 or something around that price. I was thrilled, made the entire drive worth it. Only 2.50 a person wow what an awesome deal. Anyway this theatre was one of the nicest theatres ive ever been to. It was like walking into an amusment park. There was a windmill and ladders and a whole bunch of Hollywood sets in the lobby. They sold beer and wine at the theatre aslo and on fridays it was like half price drinks. So we get in and the seats were like lazy boys. Not quite as plush but enough support for the back and enough recline to fall asleep. The movie was excellent. But it made me wish for the classic batman, Adam West. I thought they could have used adam west. He was the greatest. I was waiting for batman to say, BAT MAN TO COAST GUARD, BATMAN TO COAST GUARD, during the final scene. Oh it would have made my summer if that line was in the movie. The orginal Batman movie is one of America's treasures. In my opinion the best batman themed movie ever. As for The Dark Knight, it was probabally the best movie Ive been to this summer but I was never that stoaked on going to it in the first place. I'm more excited to see Step Brothers.
Monday, July 21, 2008
Sunday, July 20, 2008
things that get me juiced!
just a few gems to occupy some time..
im trying to dress like a surf bum circa 1960 these days.
i dont snowboard, i ski, but this one gets me hyped.
ok, later.
im trying to dress like a surf bum circa 1960 these days.
i dont snowboard, i ski, but this one gets me hyped.
ok, later.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Top Ten Things to do When you cant skate
Whether its an injury, or the weather or you are just incapable of skating, there will be a time where you cant skate. In my case, I have been sidelined for the last 2 and a half weeks and its sucks not being able to skate but here are some things to get you through the time when you cant skate.
1. Just Relax
Kick it with the hommies, lurk at the park, or just play video games. Have a good time with what you are doing.
2. Catch up with non skate friends and family.
Since I have been injured, I have hung out with my parents and my non skate friends a lot more than usual and have had a great time. Your world doesnt revove around skateboarding and your family wants to see you every once in a while. I found that my parents are actually fun to hang out with. I just drink beer with mine and bs around the dinner table after work, its pretty fun.
3. Read a Book
Hey you might as well Gain some knowledge or kickback with some HP.
4. Drink Beer
Always a good time. There is nothing better than a cold Grain Belt Premium on a summer afternoon.
5. Blog, nerd out online
That all I ever do at work. Youtube is your friend. I also recommend stumble. Blogs are lame but fun to read. This is the nerdest thing I do.
6. Get a New Hobby
I always have to be busy. In the winter I ski and in the summer I skate, bike, wakeskate and what ever else can occupy my time. I took up mountain biking since my ankle got hurt and it turns out to be a lot of fun and something new and intimidating. I love learning new things and trying new sports. Once I can skate again ill skate but for the time being im just waiting to get better and enjoying every minute of it.
7. Work
43 hours a week, not a lot of time to skate in the first place.
8. Go see every movie in theatres
Why not? Theres some good ones coming out. Hellboy 2 was worth it. Zohan wasnt. Definately going to this one. And this one looks awesome.
9. Save money
With out skating for a while I have more money to spend on other aspects of my life like on beer and movies.
10. Sit Back and Realize how rad skateboarding is.
I know that I often take skateboarding for granted. Especially when you do it every day. An injury or the weather can really put some perspective of how great skateboarding is. I've notice this break with skateboarding that it is truly unique. You cant find that many sports have such a tight culture and how skateboarders are instantly bonded under the fact that they skate. Skateboarders have respect for each other. Sure you don't like every skateboarder but its awesome when you meet someone who skates and you can share a common bond. I've never seen a sport with such a bond between its participants. Skateboarding is just awesome. Its so accessible. You can just walk out your door and skate. Or you can travel the country and skateboard in any state, and virtually any time of year. Just take a step back and look at what skateboarding is and how foutuante we all are that skateboarding exists. Any way, I want to skate now.
Keep on Keeping on
Grain Belt,
Razor Scootors,
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Here is some links
Im bored at work here are some links.....
Stu Graham Interview
Jeremy Kleins Website
Pictures From Thrasher in Missoula
Stu Graham Interview
Jeremy Kleins Website
Pictures From Thrasher in Missoula
remember when skating was weird??
i remember when skating was sorta in a strange state of confusion in the late 90's. osisris, windpants, D3's, menikmati, washed out footage of wood ramps on hot ashpalt, x-games craziness, bluetorch tv, shit like that. looking back alot of it was not that fresh, skating was slow, parks sucked, cops were getting worse, etc. but i remember a few thing that were totally out there and rad, though i never fully appriciated it until now, one of those things was old foundation videos, espeacailly Art Bars and Nervous Breakdown and the great TWS/Ty Evans trifecta of Feedback, The Reason, and Modus Operandi. those vids were artistic, inovative, and just downright weird at times, and the skating ripped! im glad to see now there is more of stuff like this in skating, weird is good.
Brad Staba from nervous breakdown...
Ethan Fowler from nervous breakdown...
this is gnarly, maybe even, dare i say, OVER THE TOP! watch til the end..van wastell..
happy trails
Brad Staba from nervous breakdown...
Ethan Fowler from nervous breakdown...
this is gnarly, maybe even, dare i say, OVER THE TOP! watch til the end..van wastell..
happy trails
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Plymouth IS the Best Place to Live
My hometown of Plymouth, Minnesota was named the Best Place to Live by money magazine. This is news to me. Plymouth for a 20 year old sucks but after thinking about it, Plymouth is kind of cool. First off, its only 20 minutes to Minneapolis. Its close to Lake Minnetonka. Its has some nice parks (Frisbee golf, and bikeing, shitty skatepark). It has some good resturants. Its quiet. Its close to the country. Plmouth is pretty, the midwest is pretty, its just a different type of pretty from Montana. But, it has nothing to do after 9 o'clock. Personally if I had to choose to live anywhere I would not pick Plymouth. I can see why its number one. Congrats Plymouth.
Monday, July 14, 2008
Well that was wierd
So this weekend was a bit of a blurr. Whiskey, bros, beers, talk shows, yell shows, michael jordan on fire, scooter gangs, and biking. So Friday, I set off an alarm by accident at Byerlys and felt like an idiot. That night got together with Sam and Mark, drank whiskey and was immediately drunk, smoked cigs and played quarters. I also got accused of burning a michael jordan cardboard cutout which I didnt and spent most of my night being passed out, that was wierd. Sam vouched for me and everything is cool. Saturday was extremely lazy. We walked around dinkytown and stayed in a 3 block radius for an hour and a half. I signed a homless persons shirt and saw a pack of razor scooterors, about 30 of them. Went to sams house, watched waiting, which is one of the worst movies ive ever seen, and drank grain belt. Eventually Dan, Alex Dick, Stu, and Mark came over and we got all sorts of fucked up and filmed a talk show. The footage is apaulling. What ever it was fun. Woke up the next day and went mountain biking and then went to chipotle. Last night we filmed the Dan Walk talk show and i was a guest. I dont remember what my name was but I was a train engineer, who hunts horses and sell pens. Dan interviewed his mom and it was super awkward, cause he was drunk as shit and so was Dick and Dick was being a cunt to dans mom, who was, to my knowledge, high on marijuana. It was really really awkward. But dan was hillairious. Stu told me the meaning of evolution and I drank a caffine free coke. Declious. Well the ankle is still un able to skate. Two weeks without skating is getting to me but I get to hang out with my non skater friends alot so thats cool.
So I was looking on thrasher today and the Maloof money cup was this weekend. Sierra fellers got 20th and P Rod got first winning 100 thousand dollars. Nyjah got second and Chris Cole got 3rd. I saw some of the footage and it looked sick. Next invasion benihana master, Rob Lorifice got 12th in the Vert competition. I guess Beagle has hate for Corey Duffel. Aparently Beagle sucker punched Duffel and tackled him off of a 5 foot ledge. He also sucker punched Duffel when Duffel was getting out of his car. Its kind of nuts though. Beagle is a little bitch. Who does that shit infront of kids at a contest. The contest seems pretty legit and here is some warm up footage through the course.
well thats all for me today
So I was looking on thrasher today and the Maloof money cup was this weekend. Sierra fellers got 20th and P Rod got first winning 100 thousand dollars. Nyjah got second and Chris Cole got 3rd. I saw some of the footage and it looked sick. Next invasion benihana master, Rob Lorifice got 12th in the Vert competition. I guess Beagle has hate for Corey Duffel. Aparently Beagle sucker punched Duffel and tackled him off of a 5 foot ledge. He also sucker punched Duffel when Duffel was getting out of his car. Its kind of nuts though. Beagle is a little bitch. Who does that shit infront of kids at a contest. The contest seems pretty legit and here is some warm up footage through the course.
well thats all for me today
durka durka
Let all who reads be known, i am drunk right now... anywho, yesterday was fuggin sick. worked at mendenhal. got some cash flow. went to da game of skate, hungh out with da legend for a bit, swithc frontside flips!!!!!!!!!!! he wouldnt compete though cuz his gear was jacked according to him. Played some skate. aaron beat me, with a switch tre'. I had him prove it and he landed it straight. somehow i landed a rick flip. surprising. Aaron is good. I got second, fun as hell, it was a good day all around, found out later that my photo of bjorn was in the newest thrasher, so that was also fuggin rad. gotr a free pair of shoes and a deck n shit, dawg, you feelin me. it was a fun day all around.
Sunday, July 13, 2008
over the top
On Saturday the eS game of skate came to bozeman and a few of the kreamaz decided to participate. I showed up to watch and they put me in without asking, so i made it to the second round. Nick beat Chris Murphy, Paulius, and Diekman. We all found out that nick had a secret he had been hiding from all of us for years. Nick Weber can do rick flips (fakie fs bigspin heelflip).
Nick ended up getting second place after aaron. It was a good game and turned into a great day of skating. will and i went to cassy's 21st party and then bar hopping. I got will to do his first shot of patron, it was sick.
After watching the stalone truckdriver/armwresting blockbuster of 87 over the top, Will and I learned the key to truckdriver arm wrestling, you put your fingers over the top of your opponent's thumb. This insures that one can even beat the biggest gnarly dudes that try to step to ya, oh and lots of working out. working out with your weigh lifting apparatus in the cab of your truck so you can work out on the go. best quotes of the movie over the top "if you lose like a winner, your never really a loser" , "damn you", "no damn you!!", "man if i lose to you i would just kill myself." "being number one is everything to me, there is no second place, second place sucks!" An all around great movie from the 80s.
Friday, July 11, 2008
small world.
since this site was created for a handful of kids to indulge in skate nerdiness, lets indulge in one of the nerdiest activities of them all, the separation game!
the kreamaz are friends with Bummer High am mark gutterman, bummer high is owned by ethan fowler, who used to skate for foundation skateboards, o.g. montanan sierra fellers is pro for foundation, sierra also skates for circa footwear and is teammates with peter ramondetta, peter skates for real skateboards and in teamates with dennis busenitz, busenitz older brother is married to my roomates sisters best friend, which come down to me, the newest budda kreama.
the way i see it we might as well be pro, so shit.
the kreamaz are friends with Bummer High am mark gutterman, bummer high is owned by ethan fowler, who used to skate for foundation skateboards, o.g. montanan sierra fellers is pro for foundation, sierra also skates for circa footwear and is teammates with peter ramondetta, peter skates for real skateboards and in teamates with dennis busenitz, busenitz older brother is married to my roomates sisters best friend, which come down to me, the newest budda kreama.
the way i see it we might as well be pro, so shit.
Hot and Humid
T Dogg is in town for the weekend. Met up with him sam, stu and tim last night. Drank a few beers around the campfire and reminiced about middle school and skateboarding, such good memories. We were talking about the stupid videos we made back then and what shit we would film. So funny looking back at it.
I found this epic spot yesterday. I was driving south on 55 and there is this new bridge with a suspension thing with cables surronded by a concrete barrier, which a ollie to slant to wall ride or just ollie of it has a slight slanted landing and some other obstacles. It would look so good with long lens and minneapolis in the background. Have to skate there.
Saturday I might be going skateing with Davis and T Dogg we shall see. Updates to come, im going to copy will and put some video links up.
Indy Shreds Unknown spot in Colorado?
Davis Torgerson
Dan Drehobl is my favorite skateboarder
16 Things with Mark Gonzales
Brent Atchley is the little Alex of the skate world
Stu Graham and his tech street skills
More Stu
well thats enough videos for a while.
I found this epic spot yesterday. I was driving south on 55 and there is this new bridge with a suspension thing with cables surronded by a concrete barrier, which a ollie to slant to wall ride or just ollie of it has a slight slanted landing and some other obstacles. It would look so good with long lens and minneapolis in the background. Have to skate there.
Saturday I might be going skateing with Davis and T Dogg we shall see. Updates to come, im going to copy will and put some video links up.
Indy Shreds Unknown spot in Colorado?
Davis Torgerson
Dan Drehobl is my favorite skateboarder
16 Things with Mark Gonzales
Brent Atchley is the little Alex of the skate world
Stu Graham and his tech street skills
More Stu
well thats enough videos for a while.
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
skateboarding, and other good things...
events as of late..
go skateboarding day was fun, you all were there so you know. well, everyone but alex. mine day ended with adam, bailey, and my roomate kate, and myself going camping on the river near Ennis. it was rad, i love to sleep under the stars, the next day adam and kate and i went and lounged about at sureshot lake for a good 5 or 6 hour, and i recieved the worst sunburn of my life. later that night i tried to sleep and it was hell, my skin was fire engine red and burning but my body was cold and weak, i was convulsing from the discomfort. later that week my skin looked like bubble wrap from the blisters, then i looked like a reptile loosing its skin. now all the new skin iches pretty good.
im growing a beard. my friend christiana said i owe here a birthday present anyways. so im growing out my patrick dempsey sexy face.
missoula is cool, indy demo was fun. i like watching baseball games.
Ted Turners resturaunt in the Baxter downtown isnt all its cracked up to be, still good, but i was expecting more. the Ale Works has nothing to fear from them.
i got to ride in a crazy mercedes straight out of a Rick Ross video, it was sick, christiana and i drove it to perkins, hella tight.
ived watched more x-files this week then i ever has in my whole life, two episodes that i sorta slept through.
now its tight for a skate video break, peep it...
andrew allen
mike anderson
austin stephens
i met the walrus
go skateboarding day was fun, you all were there so you know. well, everyone but alex. mine day ended with adam, bailey, and my roomate kate, and myself going camping on the river near Ennis. it was rad, i love to sleep under the stars, the next day adam and kate and i went and lounged about at sureshot lake for a good 5 or 6 hour, and i recieved the worst sunburn of my life. later that night i tried to sleep and it was hell, my skin was fire engine red and burning but my body was cold and weak, i was convulsing from the discomfort. later that week my skin looked like bubble wrap from the blisters, then i looked like a reptile loosing its skin. now all the new skin iches pretty good.
im growing a beard. my friend christiana said i owe here a birthday present anyways. so im growing out my patrick dempsey sexy face.
missoula is cool, indy demo was fun. i like watching baseball games.
Ted Turners resturaunt in the Baxter downtown isnt all its cracked up to be, still good, but i was expecting more. the Ale Works has nothing to fear from them.
i got to ride in a crazy mercedes straight out of a Rick Ross video, it was sick, christiana and i drove it to perkins, hella tight.
ived watched more x-files this week then i ever has in my whole life, two episodes that i sorta slept through.
now its tight for a skate video break, peep it...
andrew allen
mike anderson
austin stephens
i met the walrus
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
America's Birthday
Wow, this last weekend was a blur. I am not condoning it, but I was drunk or high all friday and saturday. The party at my friend Aaron's house was amazing, right down the street from my parents in Missoula. Drinking and setting off explosives is always a good time, then sitting on the roof and watching the light show above you. Then I made a poor decision and left. Woke up the next day far away from where I should have been, confused on why I was where i was and why i was with who i was with. What a trip. Saturday night was super fun, saw old friends and had a fun time in my buddies yard. My partner and I suck at beerpong. next day i got up, awkwardly said hello to my parents, then went and watched Hancock with brad steven and aaron. The movie was meh. walked to holiday later that night. That will never, ever get old. been doing it for years. thank you aaron, twins, "erika" missoula, and america for a crazy weekend.
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