Monday, June 30, 2008

Nike SB

I've noticed that Nike SB is huge among non skaters in minnesota, it is the rich kid hip hopper brand here. In Wayzata, it is as common to see a kid decked out with SB apparel and brand new clean p rod sb's, as to see to see a kid decked out with polo ralph lauren. When did this happen, Nike SB usually doesnt end up in this kids hands. It used to be that if i saw someone with SB gear in Wayzata, I knew who they were and I knew that they skated. Even today, I went to the overpass and the first thing I encounter is a kid talking shit about me skateboarding. He meant well but he was a douche. I argued with him about rollerbladers and how they wax everything and he was reluctant to admit that waxing was bad for coping even his roller blading friends didn't support him on this one. Anyway, I fucked my ankle and sat down and noticed a fresh pair of Nike Vulcanized SB's. I asked the group who's shoes they were and he said. "Oh they are mine." I was quick to judge and asked him why he would wear a skate shoe if he hated skateboarders and skateboarding in general why would you ever wear shoes from a skate company. He defended himself quickly by saying "Do you know who Davis Torgerson IS?" I said yeah, did he give you those? He responded "No way I had him buy me them from the rep." I asked "Did you get a deal?" He said he didnt and paid full price. I could see if he got them for free but no such luck. This was almost 5 minutes after he disscussed his hatred for skateboarding. That would be if legend ran for mayor of Bozeman. Its backwards. It just didnt make sense.
Why is nike so popular among non skaters? Why are surburban kids rocking SB and not Four-Star or Matix? It has something to do that rich white kids think wearing expensive nike gear will make them look more street credible. They are also trying their best to look like kayne. I cant blame them for that. I am just waiting for the time when kids wear flannels and cut off shits rocking Camo Drehobls and cut off jeans. If only Kayne would dress more like my skate heros. Its only a dream, I might like him more if he dressed like Baca.
What I find odd is half of Nike's team consists of dirtballs. Some of my favorite skaters ride for Nike. Childress, Partenen, Omar Salazar, Zed, those guys top the list of dirtbags, but yet they ride for Nike. In addition i never have seen any of those guys rocking the neon and crazy retro style of Nike. They wear flannels and dress more homeless than like skaters. No one even on nike wears that gear. Skaters dont wear that shit yet it makes me cringe that it is SB instead of Abrocrombie or polo. At least they are supporting the local shop.

Besides that I fucked my ankle today warming up. I heard it pop as I attempted to bail but my new deck with newer shoes did not combine well with my ankle. I was doing a stupid trick on a stupid 9 foot quarter and fucked my self over. Im pretty sure its just a sprain and ill be back in a few days but for now ill have to limp around the office and use that for my excuse for not winning in nerf ball. By the way, Overpass=Not even worth it. Total bike/rollerblade park. Fun mini and cool location but no flow.


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