i need me a girl like this...
in the meantime, i got skateboarding.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Friday, April 24, 2009
Sure Fire Plan to skate the Berrics
The other day I stumbled upon a list of odd celebrity baby names and Jason Lee's child was on there. Her name, Pilot Inspektor (its actually spelled like that). Anyway I read the blurb and it turns out that the name was inspired by a Grandaddy song, He's Simple, He's Dumb, He's the Pilot. Anyway, last night I attended a party in which I talked to Rob Murdock about his summer plans and we got to discussing Jason Lytle and his tour. I mentioned that Jason inspired Jason. Rob said he was going to LA and he knew how he would skate the Berrics. Jason would Contact Jason Lee, saying, oh you named your kid after my lyrics, can you get me into the Berrics. I'll get you tickets to my show, or some other perk that musicians are entitled to. Jason Lee, being a huge fan would allow Jason and Rob to come to the Berrics. It actually is a reasonable plan and even Dave said it was 100% guaranteed that Rob would skate the Berrics.
Monday, April 20, 2009

i am posting this just to test the size of images for web. This photo is for my digital/color final. Kreamer awards are tight. I skated whitehall for a little bit today and saw some pissed off dad kick his kid. Fucking 'A man chill out. Oh well, at least I learned nollie front heels on flat kind of yeahhhh boyeeeee. Also, Butte was fun, meeting the crew and skating for a bit.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Kreamer Awards
Time for an Intervention
Brian Bee
Can I bum a Cigarette
Logan Triplett
Dude, I know, but seriously what?
Paulius K.
Best Kick Flip
Alex Strandell
Best Bowl Barney
Fletcher Eidum
Best Foreigner
Will Beardslee
Local Legend
Dan Quinn
Beer Slave
Will Beardslee
Street Tech Formula
Nick Weber
Fourth Meal
Adam Krishoffer
Robin and Guggey Award
Nate and Fletcher
Most Pot overdoses
Bob Marley/Kita
Best Experience
Nick Weber runner up: Nate Witbrod Experience
Best Asian
Dan Quinn
Jug Thug
Logan Triplett
Don't give me no bammer weed
Hamilton Lynn
Sew What
Cassy Sargent
Comb your fucking hair
Bjorn Ryan-Gorman
Early Grab Cannonball
Robin Miller
El Torro Slayer
Best Minnesotan
Dave Biesel
Secks Appeal
Hall and Oates
Logan and Nick
Best Black Skateboarder
Brian Bee
Can I bum a Cigarette
Logan Triplett
Dude, I know, but seriously what?
Paulius K.
Best Kick Flip
Alex Strandell
Best Bowl Barney
Fletcher Eidum
Best Foreigner
Will Beardslee
Local Legend
Dan Quinn
Beer Slave
Will Beardslee
Street Tech Formula
Nick Weber
Fourth Meal
Adam Krishoffer
Robin and Guggey Award
Nate and Fletcher
Most Pot overdoses
Bob Marley/Kita
Best Experience
Nick Weber runner up: Nate Witbrod Experience
Best Asian
Dan Quinn
Jug Thug
Logan Triplett
Don't give me no bammer weed
Hamilton Lynn
Sew What
Cassy Sargent
Comb your fucking hair
Bjorn Ryan-Gorman
Early Grab Cannonball
Robin Miller
El Torro Slayer
Best Minnesotan
Dave Biesel
Secks Appeal
Hall and Oates
Logan and Nick
Best Black Skateboarder
This just in
There was a discrepancy with one of the awards
the award entitled:
Best Robin award
actually goes to:
Brian Bee
Thankyou and sorry for the confusion
the award entitled:
Best Robin award
actually goes to:
Brian Bee
Thankyou and sorry for the confusion
Results are in
Awards According To Logan: This years BK academy awards
Best Asian Skateboarder/Professional Model:
Brian Bee
Biggest Penis
Most times incarcerated in one year:
Casey Bruff
Grossest mustache:
Bjorn R.G (Runner up: nick weber)
Biggest Chode:
Bjorn R.G
Biggest Chronic Blunt Smoked:
Kita Kreamer
Best Quilt:
Cassy S.
Best Country Music Album:
Conway Twitty
Best Video Game creation:
Dan Quinn
Biggest Ass:
Brian Bee
Woah, thats a chode! award:
Nick Weber
Best Latte:
Fletcher I.
Slantiest eyes:
Alex Strandell
Best cielling walker:
Kita Schnietta
Most unpopular member:
John Wilkes Booth
Biggest Jock:
Nate W.
Best black skateboarder:
Paulius K.
Best Robin:
Robin Miller
Hella hyphy award:
Gary Beardslee
Am of the year
Zack D.
Pussy Slayer of the year
Zack D.
Team bicycle:
Nick Weber and Kita
Best Asian Skateboarder/Professional Model:
Brian Bee
Biggest Penis
Most times incarcerated in one year:
Casey Bruff
Grossest mustache:
Bjorn R.G (Runner up: nick weber)
Biggest Chode:
Bjorn R.G
Biggest Chronic Blunt Smoked:
Kita Kreamer
Best Quilt:
Cassy S.
Best Country Music Album:
Conway Twitty
Best Video Game creation:
Dan Quinn
Biggest Ass:
Brian Bee
Woah, thats a chode! award:
Nick Weber
Best Latte:
Fletcher I.
Slantiest eyes:
Alex Strandell
Best cielling walker:
Kita Schnietta
Most unpopular member:
John Wilkes Booth
Biggest Jock:
Nate W.
Best black skateboarder:
Paulius K.
Best Robin:
Robin Miller
Hella hyphy award:
Gary Beardslee
Am of the year
Zack D.
Pussy Slayer of the year
Zack D.
Team bicycle:
Nick Weber and Kita
Friday, April 17, 2009
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
butter kreamics
coming this summer, an exclusive park, where only the most exclusive of heavenly endowed skateboarders can skate. If i dont like them that week, then i take not only their key, but their skateboard. We will also have a contest like the world series there. Come on people, lets make skateboarding serious. Its not serious enough. I'm serious. Lets be serious. Serious. Serious. Sincere.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
So let's go back about 20 years ago.
I was born. My parents were happily married for ten years before this. It wasn't until I was born, that problems arose. My dad went bye bye when i was about two. Just me and my mom. My mom was tough. Despite having a child, and a ex husband that never provided for her, who cheated on his taxes to reduce his child support, and still never paid it. My mom did everything for me.
Because of this, this made my life a bit interesting. I was forced to provide for myself from an early age. my mom worked two jobs, meaning i saw her at seven in the morning briefly, and then maybe once more if i stayed up til two in the morning. She also had one day a week off. My days were spent going to school, getting off of school, trying to do my homework alone, and then making a poor excuse for a meal. It was interesting to say the least. I learned early on what not to do in the kitchen etc. But then there was that one day a week, where I would be happy. Mom was home!
This went on for a few years, until i was about eight or so, my mother met my soon to be stepfather. He was great! They were married after about a year of dating, and moved in etc. I had someone else now! My stepdad was amazing, always a friend, and disciplinary when he needed to be. But most importantly, he was down to do anything for me and my mother.
Around this time, I got into skateboarding. Seeing some locals at my school, then about eight years older than I, i soon began to save for a skateboard. It took me four months of saving every penny, but i finally reached the victory of my first skateboard. I now had something too look forward to in life, as crazy as that sounds, everyday I skated, soon becoming very good friends with the older bunch of kids at the school. I was like a little brother to them. I became such good friends with them, that I began to have troubles socializing with people at school.
School was intersting to say the least. I hated and loved every second of it. On one side,there were the accidemics. Here i vowed that i would do everything in my power to make something of myself, and someday buy my mother anything and everything that her heart desired. I felt that she had worked so hard for me, that I needed to learn everything i could. On the other side of the school spectrum, were the kids. I hated this aspect of school. Kids just seemed so mean. I was never "cool" in grade school. I never had the best toys, or stories, or birthday's or what not, in fact, i can safely say that i never once partook in any type of birthday invitations for from any of my school mates. In fact, i'm pretty sure they hated me. No one skateboarded, no one cared about it. So i was outcast. But, for some reason, I never cared what they thought. Not once ever. A popular kid would say I was dumb, or waisting my time, or what not, and I just didnt care. I had bigger and better things to worry about, like a father I hadn't seen for years, or a mother working her ass of. It didnt bother me. Instead, I became better friends with the skateboard crowd. None of them were in grade school or middle school, and some of them were graduated. Most people would say this is unhealthy, but I can tell you know, those guys were the best influence I have ever had in my life, besides maybe my mother and stepfather. They treated me like a brother, and would teach me the ways of life.
I was a good boy, on the other hand, i wasn't perfect. At times, i lied to my parents, something i'll never be able to get over. Sometimes I hated people, sometimes i envied them.
So i turned twelve, and all of a sudden my father wanted to take a part in my life...
This was huge. I hated him. hated.
It would take years of pain between me and my father until we would walk on any type of common ground, and today, what we do walk on is of a very fragile foundation. Life was different having two families, i hated it. For this, i began to become very isolated. It was this time, i figured out that I had not only problems, but medically caused problems. I'll save the details, but soon I was forced to rely on medication to balance my emotions. This was a huge struggle for me, to this day, every time my dose changes, I have a lot of trouble sleeping. On top of this, i soon began to hide this. I thought it separated me from people. This was simply because of the fact that people did not understand the circumstances of many disorders and only relied on incorrect stereotypes. It was also around this time, that i began filming. FIlming everything and anything, it was my alternative reality, and i loved it, more than reality itself. I hated reality. I still was socially retarted in school as well. I began to just pretend to have a social life.
While i'm at it, i'll throw in the drumming bit. Since age three my mother put me into drum lessons to keep me busy, I fell in love with drumming at a young age, and having a musician for a step dad made it even more passionate. I drummed sometimes up to ten hours in a day. I thought that i also might be away to succeed and someday allow my mother to have anything she wanted. Anyway, back to junior high.
Junior high was horrible. I don't think I ever made a friend all year, minus my few younger skateboarder friends. All i did was do homework, skateboard, drum and film. Nothing else, i don't think i said more than ten words to anyone at any one time that year.I twas crazy. It wasnt until my sophomore year that I actually began to find a few friends. Suddenly, not caring about the people around you was an admiral thing, and soon i began to become someone that everyone liked, but noeone really cared to really be friends with. THis was fine with me, it was more attention then I had ever had in my life, and I could focus on pushing my self and growing up faster, without having to waist my time hanging out with friends.
I had it in my mind, that I would be better off if I grew up as fast as possible. I desired this so much, that I actually moved out the end of my junior year. I wanted to be 100 percent self sufficient. This is where my major mistakes occured. I now become one big ball of stress.
I worried about rent, homework, my job, a gf if i had one, anything and everything. And for once in my life, my mother wasn't there to make it all better. But somewhere in my mind, i thought I was a burden for my parents, I couldnt allow them to bare me anymore. That year I was the most depressed I had been in a long time. I pushed through past my senior year, and graduation. I was an adult in a childs body, yet I wasn't an adult at all, I still wanted to be a kid, but i couldnt be. My hobbies kept me together though.
I decided that i needed a change, i couldnt move back home because my mother and stepfather had sold their house due to me moving out. I still visited them extremely often, but i Now felt like I could not impede on their new living arrangement. So i contacted my step sister. Yes, i had a step sister, much older than me, but still one i had a great relationship with. They allowed me to stay at their home and I offered to pay what i could. I spent the summer waisting my time, I had a girlfriend i thought i was crazy about. Well, shit happened, and I was left out in the cold. I now had let my family and skateboard friends down for some stupid girl. I vowed from that point on to never allow myself to fall in Love, no matter what the circumstances were. I also vowed to never let anything get in front of my passions and goals. I had choses a new path. One baised loosley out of greed, and my desire to reach my goals. The remaing three months of my summer were the most depressing ones of my life. For the first time in my life, i began to hate everything. Once a very happy person, and chipper about everything ( i mean 100 percent of the time) I now hated everything, I was an asshole. No way around it. I didnt want to be where I was, and i didnt care who knew.
College came up, and everything changed. For once i saw a little glimmer of hope. THings began, and I just kept motivated on my goals, nothing would come before them. I soon lost sight of my family, and anything else I had left behind. I went three months without ever talking to anyone from home, including a family member. BUt i didnt go without a day of working towards my film goals. I say this like something has changed today. Well, not much has really. Save for one thing. So my mom gets sick, and my life flips completely upside down, I realize how good I really have it. I have a life, a gift, the gift of life. For a week straight I swear i didnt talk. I'll i could think about was how i was the one that deserved to be sick, and not her, how she had done everything for me and I had done nothing. I finally broke down and presented this idea to my mother. She kind of chuckled at me. At said, "Logan, I'm fine, whatever happens. The truth is, that you did everything for my life, you ARE my life..." this hit me hard. What kind of a son was I? wanting to bring my mother new cars, houses, things of worldly value, things that ultimately meant nothing in comparison to what I had already given her. I soon realized the gift of having people around you, and that sometimes they are better than life itself. To this day, i still regret my venture to a hasty man hood. Why hadn't I just stayed where I should have been? I talk to my mother everyday on the phone. I have to, its my one happy thing in my day. I've learned that, yes, i have some goals, but sometimes I need to stop and look around at the people I love, and just be glad i'm fortunate enough to have them their.
This was a lesson that took 20 years to learn. And a lesson I will regret not learning sooner for the rest of my life.
I thank everyone for being their for me, and i'm happy to say that despite having no hope for my mothers future, I did recieve a glimmer of hope. Although not a lot, its still a glimmer, that i will hold onto. I won't let you go mother. I promise i'll never lose site of what really matters.
Live each day with purpose. Live each day with love. Live each day.
I was born. My parents were happily married for ten years before this. It wasn't until I was born, that problems arose. My dad went bye bye when i was about two. Just me and my mom. My mom was tough. Despite having a child, and a ex husband that never provided for her, who cheated on his taxes to reduce his child support, and still never paid it. My mom did everything for me.
Because of this, this made my life a bit interesting. I was forced to provide for myself from an early age. my mom worked two jobs, meaning i saw her at seven in the morning briefly, and then maybe once more if i stayed up til two in the morning. She also had one day a week off. My days were spent going to school, getting off of school, trying to do my homework alone, and then making a poor excuse for a meal. It was interesting to say the least. I learned early on what not to do in the kitchen etc. But then there was that one day a week, where I would be happy. Mom was home!
This went on for a few years, until i was about eight or so, my mother met my soon to be stepfather. He was great! They were married after about a year of dating, and moved in etc. I had someone else now! My stepdad was amazing, always a friend, and disciplinary when he needed to be. But most importantly, he was down to do anything for me and my mother.
Around this time, I got into skateboarding. Seeing some locals at my school, then about eight years older than I, i soon began to save for a skateboard. It took me four months of saving every penny, but i finally reached the victory of my first skateboard. I now had something too look forward to in life, as crazy as that sounds, everyday I skated, soon becoming very good friends with the older bunch of kids at the school. I was like a little brother to them. I became such good friends with them, that I began to have troubles socializing with people at school.
School was intersting to say the least. I hated and loved every second of it. On one side,there were the accidemics. Here i vowed that i would do everything in my power to make something of myself, and someday buy my mother anything and everything that her heart desired. I felt that she had worked so hard for me, that I needed to learn everything i could. On the other side of the school spectrum, were the kids. I hated this aspect of school. Kids just seemed so mean. I was never "cool" in grade school. I never had the best toys, or stories, or birthday's or what not, in fact, i can safely say that i never once partook in any type of birthday invitations for from any of my school mates. In fact, i'm pretty sure they hated me. No one skateboarded, no one cared about it. So i was outcast. But, for some reason, I never cared what they thought. Not once ever. A popular kid would say I was dumb, or waisting my time, or what not, and I just didnt care. I had bigger and better things to worry about, like a father I hadn't seen for years, or a mother working her ass of. It didnt bother me. Instead, I became better friends with the skateboard crowd. None of them were in grade school or middle school, and some of them were graduated. Most people would say this is unhealthy, but I can tell you know, those guys were the best influence I have ever had in my life, besides maybe my mother and stepfather. They treated me like a brother, and would teach me the ways of life.
I was a good boy, on the other hand, i wasn't perfect. At times, i lied to my parents, something i'll never be able to get over. Sometimes I hated people, sometimes i envied them.
So i turned twelve, and all of a sudden my father wanted to take a part in my life...
This was huge. I hated him. hated.
It would take years of pain between me and my father until we would walk on any type of common ground, and today, what we do walk on is of a very fragile foundation. Life was different having two families, i hated it. For this, i began to become very isolated. It was this time, i figured out that I had not only problems, but medically caused problems. I'll save the details, but soon I was forced to rely on medication to balance my emotions. This was a huge struggle for me, to this day, every time my dose changes, I have a lot of trouble sleeping. On top of this, i soon began to hide this. I thought it separated me from people. This was simply because of the fact that people did not understand the circumstances of many disorders and only relied on incorrect stereotypes. It was also around this time, that i began filming. FIlming everything and anything, it was my alternative reality, and i loved it, more than reality itself. I hated reality. I still was socially retarted in school as well. I began to just pretend to have a social life.
While i'm at it, i'll throw in the drumming bit. Since age three my mother put me into drum lessons to keep me busy, I fell in love with drumming at a young age, and having a musician for a step dad made it even more passionate. I drummed sometimes up to ten hours in a day. I thought that i also might be away to succeed and someday allow my mother to have anything she wanted. Anyway, back to junior high.
Junior high was horrible. I don't think I ever made a friend all year, minus my few younger skateboarder friends. All i did was do homework, skateboard, drum and film. Nothing else, i don't think i said more than ten words to anyone at any one time that year.I twas crazy. It wasnt until my sophomore year that I actually began to find a few friends. Suddenly, not caring about the people around you was an admiral thing, and soon i began to become someone that everyone liked, but noeone really cared to really be friends with. THis was fine with me, it was more attention then I had ever had in my life, and I could focus on pushing my self and growing up faster, without having to waist my time hanging out with friends.
I had it in my mind, that I would be better off if I grew up as fast as possible. I desired this so much, that I actually moved out the end of my junior year. I wanted to be 100 percent self sufficient. This is where my major mistakes occured. I now become one big ball of stress.
I worried about rent, homework, my job, a gf if i had one, anything and everything. And for once in my life, my mother wasn't there to make it all better. But somewhere in my mind, i thought I was a burden for my parents, I couldnt allow them to bare me anymore. That year I was the most depressed I had been in a long time. I pushed through past my senior year, and graduation. I was an adult in a childs body, yet I wasn't an adult at all, I still wanted to be a kid, but i couldnt be. My hobbies kept me together though.
I decided that i needed a change, i couldnt move back home because my mother and stepfather had sold their house due to me moving out. I still visited them extremely often, but i Now felt like I could not impede on their new living arrangement. So i contacted my step sister. Yes, i had a step sister, much older than me, but still one i had a great relationship with. They allowed me to stay at their home and I offered to pay what i could. I spent the summer waisting my time, I had a girlfriend i thought i was crazy about. Well, shit happened, and I was left out in the cold. I now had let my family and skateboard friends down for some stupid girl. I vowed from that point on to never allow myself to fall in Love, no matter what the circumstances were. I also vowed to never let anything get in front of my passions and goals. I had choses a new path. One baised loosley out of greed, and my desire to reach my goals. The remaing three months of my summer were the most depressing ones of my life. For the first time in my life, i began to hate everything. Once a very happy person, and chipper about everything ( i mean 100 percent of the time) I now hated everything, I was an asshole. No way around it. I didnt want to be where I was, and i didnt care who knew.
College came up, and everything changed. For once i saw a little glimmer of hope. THings began, and I just kept motivated on my goals, nothing would come before them. I soon lost sight of my family, and anything else I had left behind. I went three months without ever talking to anyone from home, including a family member. BUt i didnt go without a day of working towards my film goals. I say this like something has changed today. Well, not much has really. Save for one thing. So my mom gets sick, and my life flips completely upside down, I realize how good I really have it. I have a life, a gift, the gift of life. For a week straight I swear i didnt talk. I'll i could think about was how i was the one that deserved to be sick, and not her, how she had done everything for me and I had done nothing. I finally broke down and presented this idea to my mother. She kind of chuckled at me. At said, "Logan, I'm fine, whatever happens. The truth is, that you did everything for my life, you ARE my life..." this hit me hard. What kind of a son was I? wanting to bring my mother new cars, houses, things of worldly value, things that ultimately meant nothing in comparison to what I had already given her. I soon realized the gift of having people around you, and that sometimes they are better than life itself. To this day, i still regret my venture to a hasty man hood. Why hadn't I just stayed where I should have been? I talk to my mother everyday on the phone. I have to, its my one happy thing in my day. I've learned that, yes, i have some goals, but sometimes I need to stop and look around at the people I love, and just be glad i'm fortunate enough to have them their.
This was a lesson that took 20 years to learn. And a lesson I will regret not learning sooner for the rest of my life.
I thank everyone for being their for me, and i'm happy to say that despite having no hope for my mothers future, I did recieve a glimmer of hope. Although not a lot, its still a glimmer, that i will hold onto. I won't let you go mother. I promise i'll never lose site of what really matters.
Live each day with purpose. Live each day with love. Live each day.
Sunday, April 5, 2009
my friend erin rulez!
she is the ultimate master at finding cool shit on youtube..
also...this guy got fifth in the bangyoself 2 thang. he's a ripper.
also...this guy got fifth in the bangyoself 2 thang. he's a ripper.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
I know you are on the internet to look at porn, but...
not to cock block will and his very thoughtful post (which you should read), but I randomly feel the need to blog.
I'm scared.
I try so so so so hard, and i feel like sometimes this effort is in vain. I try to make a lasting impact on filming in my area, and skateboarding, and i honestly don't feel that anyone is that hyped, or cares that much. It seems to me that everyone just wants to see what they have always seen, and zero progression in production value.
Seems to me that i owe it to what i love to do to progress, despite little or no motivation from skateboarders in the area. Now this may seem like random bitching, but such is not the case. It makes me wonder why i'm doing what i'm doing though. Am I putting effort into something that isn't worth it? Am I making products that people just don't give a fuck about?
Am I blind?
Maybe I am. But then again, maybe that's the best way to go about things.
Moving on. If the following offends you, then too bad, its a blog, and it's the internet. Furthermore, I don't really care. Me and Bjorn were listening to this tape we bought as a joke the other day. The tape was entitled "America: Why I Love Her." Now we were listening to it for a while, and we both thought it was pretty funny. Slowly though, it began to make me extremely sad. Hear me out. Here is a tape whos sole purpose is to show how much John Wayne loves his country. Now a days, we don't see that anymore. Too often are people criticized for standing for something, and instead, they don't stand for anything, not even their own country.
Simply put, I'm tired of people being so bashful about where they are from (I've been guilty of this before, so please no that i speak with myself in mind). I believe that as Americans, we have the duty to question what our country does. We have the duty to change it, to reform it, to say what we think. But at the same time, we have the duty to care for it, and love it. Instead of saying "America is evil" etc, push to do something about it. Think its impossible? Hardly. We are given so much upon birth, and yet we some how think that we live in such a shit hole. If you don't like the state of the place you live in, then do something about it, stand for something, anything. The man who stands for nothing, doesn't stand at all. Be against laws, policies, etc, or be for them. Get involved. It's your liberty, so use it.
You probably hate me right now, I don't care.
I'm scared.
I try so so so so hard, and i feel like sometimes this effort is in vain. I try to make a lasting impact on filming in my area, and skateboarding, and i honestly don't feel that anyone is that hyped, or cares that much. It seems to me that everyone just wants to see what they have always seen, and zero progression in production value.
Seems to me that i owe it to what i love to do to progress, despite little or no motivation from skateboarders in the area. Now this may seem like random bitching, but such is not the case. It makes me wonder why i'm doing what i'm doing though. Am I putting effort into something that isn't worth it? Am I making products that people just don't give a fuck about?
Am I blind?
Maybe I am. But then again, maybe that's the best way to go about things.
Moving on. If the following offends you, then too bad, its a blog, and it's the internet. Furthermore, I don't really care. Me and Bjorn were listening to this tape we bought as a joke the other day. The tape was entitled "America: Why I Love Her." Now we were listening to it for a while, and we both thought it was pretty funny. Slowly though, it began to make me extremely sad. Hear me out. Here is a tape whos sole purpose is to show how much John Wayne loves his country. Now a days, we don't see that anymore. Too often are people criticized for standing for something, and instead, they don't stand for anything, not even their own country.
Simply put, I'm tired of people being so bashful about where they are from (I've been guilty of this before, so please no that i speak with myself in mind). I believe that as Americans, we have the duty to question what our country does. We have the duty to change it, to reform it, to say what we think. But at the same time, we have the duty to care for it, and love it. Instead of saying "America is evil" etc, push to do something about it. Think its impossible? Hardly. We are given so much upon birth, and yet we some how think that we live in such a shit hole. If you don't like the state of the place you live in, then do something about it, stand for something, anything. The man who stands for nothing, doesn't stand at all. Be against laws, policies, etc, or be for them. Get involved. It's your liberty, so use it.
You probably hate me right now, I don't care.
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