This weekend was, well, amazing. Started off by eating at HOOTERS in Missoula with some old friends. Cleavage. Drove up north to Kalispell and hung out with my grandmother. She is in her 90s. A nursing home is not the most cheerful place, but her spirit was amazingly positive. I met up with the snowskate crew later that night and shot a few photos. The next day I drove around the flathead area, to Colombia Falls and Bigfork on the search for "smalltown skateparks". Nate gave me a tip and I found the smallest park, if you can even call it that, in C. Falls. Pretty much a little pyramid with hubbas. Got some photos and went to Yeti Jam. It was a pretty good year, nice and warm out. Got some more good photos and went to a crowded brewery. "I have never seen you guys, get out of my sight" was code for, welcome, I need not see an ID. Left and poached a hot tub at Kandahar. Phil frontflipped into the 3 1/2 foot pool from about 15 feet up... twice. Some guy came out and asked us what room we were staying in... silence. We got kicked out but it was all good. Logan and I shared a Toblerone. Drank a few and went to sleep, only to wake up early and GTF out of town. I drove to St. Ignacious and got a few more photos. Drove quickly to Bozeman for the game. I know we are "skaters" and we must hate "jocks", but I truly do love the New Orleans Saints. I have been raised watching football and the Saints were always my team. Anyway, the Saints beat the Colts, and I cried a bit with tears of joy. It feels so good to call myself a Saints fan. blah blah blah jock shit right... whatever. I cannot imagine what is happening in the city of New Orleans right now, but I wish that I was there. I am all about good sportsmanship, and Drew Brees is a class act all the way. A great human being who, along with the rest of the team, has brought happiness to thousands. I feel so proud.
Watch any Lady GaGa music video... cool shit.
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