this topic arrouse the other night while hanging out with cassy and andrew after old pizza..we were done watching Fargo and were skipping through channels when we came across the bernie mac show. it got us thinking, how old was bernie mac when he died, we discovered he was in his 50's, and still using the same methods and cliches of humor popular among it got me thinking old are some of your favorite rappers, and does their age match their musical content??
my friend jason is in his late 30's, but he skates like he's in his twenties. i knew of jason years before i ever met him becuase of his old band, Grandaddy, and would have never guessed he was of that age. not that your late 30's is old by anymeans, but near middle age does not really reflect the age my friends and i when we were pumped on grandaddy. we were about 18-20ish.
so, rappers seem to be stuck in a state of being perpetually care-free 22 year olds. so i guess the we need to consider the maturity level of the musical content versus actually physical age and the supposed maturity level one "should" be at that age and figure out who is doing the best job at defying nature.
DR. Dre-age, 44- he has the personal of a mid-twenties thug, running the streets with viscous cold blooded authority, a man who has seen the worst and is a vet before his prime, but, in fact, he is middle aged thug, telling kids whats up, and how they dont even know.
Snoop Dogg- age,37.-came on as a young buck but now has matured with swagger and pimp-status beyond compare, he's not hiding from his age, but rather, showing he can still hang with the young dudes, and probably bag more babes.
Eminem-age, 36.- Eminem is my pick for the winner of this little fountain of youth contest between gangster rap heavyweights. though still the youngest of the three, the gap between the maturity of his public image and societies expectations of a man in their mid-30s is astounding. think about it, how many 36 year old men do you know run around acting like a methed-out bratty eighth grader? probably none.
i cant even believe that Jason Lee, one the "old-man" legends of skateboarding, and a hero to many, is only two years eminems senior, and when we compare legacies the differences is night and day.. age and maturity is a tricky mistress.
so, i guess what im trying to say is stay young at heart, but also act your age, its a balance i supose. but if you want to stay young forever, or at least convince yourself that you are staying young while the rest of the world says, "who the fuck is he trying to kid?", become a white-trash rap star.
Monday, March 30, 2009
Friday, March 27, 2009
blogs are for losers
spike is moving, i will miss him. why do all my animals die lately, and the cat moves away. its stupid
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Fuck skateboarding
Fuck Skateboarding. I hate it. Now wait a second and hear me out. Skateboarding, a pastime that i have partaken in for years, is a deceiving thing. It hurts me physically, and yes, mentally. It pisses me off, makes me procrastinate, and yes, makes me despise winter. Whats more, its expensive, and fairly mainstream. Skateboarding makes you age quickly, and be hated by those that are aged. So here is to skateboarding, the worst thing to ever happen to my life. The only thing to happen to my life. my life. life itself. i fucking love you.
Now that that is over i must say that as of late I have decided to take a break from a few things:
My hunters orange hat
Not shaving
Not showering
Having a dirty room
Listening to hip hop and rap music.
why am i doing this? i have no clue actually. i just need a little break from some things, and to go back to normal in other areas. I love having a clean room, i love being clean, and i love having a cleanly shaven face. Stupid? maybe. Ignant'? probably.
On to bigger and better things. I will however be spending this summer working my ass off to promote jux in every way that is possible. I love filming, its the only thing that comes before skateboarding and my own health, and its time that i threw down, or at least tried to. My stuff may suck, oh well, at least my mom will want to watch it.
BTW, remember to tell your mother that you love her. Everyday, no matter how old, short, fat, or shallow you may be. You never know when your time with her may be shortened. I've really regretted not being better to my mother, and well its a little to late for regretting, but i guess i do. Love your mother DAMMIT. Don't just say you love her, mean it. I LOVE my mom. I always will.
Love everyone for that matter. Who the fuck cares if someone said something to so and so, or that person doesnt do this, or does do this, or makes you mad, or whatever lame excuse you can think of. Life is much too short to worry about who is who, and what is what. Just go with the flow, shake a hand or two, and get on with it.
But who am I to talk? I'm a hypocrite
Now that that is over i must say that as of late I have decided to take a break from a few things:
My hunters orange hat
Not shaving
Not showering
Having a dirty room
Listening to hip hop and rap music.
why am i doing this? i have no clue actually. i just need a little break from some things, and to go back to normal in other areas. I love having a clean room, i love being clean, and i love having a cleanly shaven face. Stupid? maybe. Ignant'? probably.
On to bigger and better things. I will however be spending this summer working my ass off to promote jux in every way that is possible. I love filming, its the only thing that comes before skateboarding and my own health, and its time that i threw down, or at least tried to. My stuff may suck, oh well, at least my mom will want to watch it.
BTW, remember to tell your mother that you love her. Everyday, no matter how old, short, fat, or shallow you may be. You never know when your time with her may be shortened. I've really regretted not being better to my mother, and well its a little to late for regretting, but i guess i do. Love your mother DAMMIT. Don't just say you love her, mean it. I LOVE my mom. I always will.
Love everyone for that matter. Who the fuck cares if someone said something to so and so, or that person doesnt do this, or does do this, or makes you mad, or whatever lame excuse you can think of. Life is much too short to worry about who is who, and what is what. Just go with the flow, shake a hand or two, and get on with it.
But who am I to talk? I'm a hypocrite
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Final countdown
We are leaving right now. Taco bell is calling my name
Ore-Kream Day Four from Adam Kirschhoffer on Vimeo.
Ore-Kream Day Four from Adam Kirschhoffer on Vimeo.
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Kreamy goodness and a tempting mistress

So basically my spring break diet consists of fast food. I have eaten at taco bell 6 times over break and am so sick of it. Taco bell is a devil woman thats all I can say. Any way we've been skating a bunch and are coming home tomorrow. The orecream experience is completely done. We skated the following parks:
Holly farm
Benedict (skateplaza)
Pier Park
and Hood River
It was an epic trip.
Here is some footage of epicnessssssss
Ore-Kream Day Three from Adam Kirschhoffer on Vimeo.
Friday, March 20, 2009
Ore-Kream Part 2
So a few days late but this is footy from tuesday in spokane and irrgon ore gone.
Ore-Kream Day Two from Adam Kirschhoffer on Vimeo.
Ore-Kream Day Two from Adam Kirschhoffer on Vimeo.
so its been a while
Haven't posted in a while
I've been busy you could say. Or maybe i just am imagining things. Regardless, I now am at a point of complete and pure exhaustion. I literally don't have much in me. Despite this i'm trying. It was my birthday, and I had about fifteen people wish me so. So thanks guys, i appreciate it! I just wish ALL of my other friends hadn't. Oh well, it wasn't great anyway, my dog died, so that just topped the day off with a cherry.
Despite all of this, i have a great life that does not merit any type of bitching.
seven eight nine ten
I've been busy you could say. Or maybe i just am imagining things. Regardless, I now am at a point of complete and pure exhaustion. I literally don't have much in me. Despite this i'm trying. It was my birthday, and I had about fifteen people wish me so. So thanks guys, i appreciate it! I just wish ALL of my other friends hadn't. Oh well, it wasn't great anyway, my dog died, so that just topped the day off with a cherry.
Despite all of this, i have a great life that does not merit any type of bitching.
seven eight nine ten
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
but kitties are far more gangster...
Taking a Stand
puppies are way doper and cuter then kittys. Supporting evidence:

That last one is all for nick

That last one is all for nick
Monday, March 2, 2009
i haven't posted in a i thought id share some music, not necessarily stuff im bumpin' at the moment, or my all time favorites, but just some jams that i dig. check it..
xiu xiu-i love the valley, oh!
animal collective-my girls
the rosewood thieves-los angeles
the magnetic fields-yeah.oh yeah!
daniel johnston-i am walking the cow
(upon watching this video i nearly broke down, daniel's health has fallen into serious disrepair in recent years, and he is still battling the same demons he always has. but his volatile music and humble performance still resonates through, he has brilliance that is very hard to come by.
xiu xiu-i love the valley, oh!
animal collective-my girls
the rosewood thieves-los angeles
the magnetic fields-yeah.oh yeah!
daniel johnston-i am walking the cow
(upon watching this video i nearly broke down, daniel's health has fallen into serious disrepair in recent years, and he is still battling the same demons he always has. but his volatile music and humble performance still resonates through, he has brilliance that is very hard to come by.
Skate snow
I was going to study all day today but I figured I would get more accomplished if I went skateboarding. I started off at world market. Biesus waxed the shit out of that slappy ledge. Its skating mighty fine. Legend showed up and talked about building a concrete bank on the snow banks. I told him it was the dumbest idea he had ever had, and he has had some stupid ideas. Afterwards went to the skatepark, which thanks to some ambitious Europeans was dry. I mean slightly dry. We shoveled the shallow end and should be ready soon. Anyway biesus and I discussed some weekly montages and got really stoked on skating. Im only updating this because this website needs some love and we need to compete with
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