Logan and I went to Missoula this weekend. Started off with a sesh at mobash, skated with billy and Jared, power slid everywhere, Logan and billy were pulling some serious circus tricks. Hit up some 14 inch burritos and ice cream. Woke up the next day, Logan slept in a recliner. Went to dennys headed to the park, got in for 5 dollars, and skated the entire day, basically non-stop. The session was going down. Some old pros were there, and some girl rippers. Bullshitted with this dude from billings. People called me wade spyer, and asked me where my mac truck was. Had an epic time. Logan filmed with this girl from the news. She was definitely digging the skaters.
After things died down in the street section we had a wall ride seshion. I managed to get a sticker about 2 feet from the top. Emilo was doing some alleyoops, logan was getting silly on the hubba, ray was just killing everything. That park was really fun even with all of those fucking people. Probably one of the best seshs all year. Afterwards barely being able to walk, Ray, emilio, logan, some kid from ohio, and i went to the sickest restaurant. It was a classic diner called the oxford. It had a casino bar and dinner/breakfast place. Best burger for 5 dollars. Played some pool went back to jareds, watched some shitty movies, smoked hookah, went to bed. A great day.
If you actually look at the left side of the wallride you will see two stickers about a foot and a half from the top. Those were totally my slaps.
Tonight saw the new james bond movie, it was actually really good. Anyway, look for a trailer for kreamup in the next few days.
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