Thursday, November 20, 2008


Silence, numbing of the brain. Blank thoughts, a hollow existence to ponder. Exhaustion. Purely driven by desire, the body requires no food or nourishment: A state of simplicity is reached, a state marked by insanity by the common observer.

No longer do the complexities of life take weight. The world is a simple black and white: that which you desire most, and that which you do not. This is not to be confused with greed, as this is completely disconnected from any type of material possession. Through this state of dream-like behavior, one truly realizes what they are living for, and why they are here. The look of the subject no longer matters, they are at peace with life, and how they fit in. This is not to say the person fits in within the social construct of society, rather, the person is at peace with themselves, and their conscious.

So is this really insanity you speak of?

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