Sunday, August 3, 2008

Yankton South Dakota

So my cousin got married this weekend and the reception was a bit of a shit show.  I ended up talking to my uncle about his career as a cycling bum we would get up and fill our cups up about every 20 minutes.  He had some epic stories and he ended up giving me his old race bike for free.  Im stoked, he is an awesome uncle.  I also talked to my other uncles and aunts and the reoccurring topic of choice was about how my dad got really drunk at my uncle's wedding when he was a freshman in college.  He got so drunk that my grandpa never drank another drink in his entire life (25 years).  Im glad I didn't make an ass out of myself this weekend.  Also, 100 degrees in SD and 100 percent humidity.  It sucked.  I hear logan got pretty crazy and i am excited to go back to see all the budda kreamaz.

One thing I noticed.  I never even got questioned about my age in South Dakota.  Im pretty sure they have a no ID policy in that state and being drunk around all my relatives was great.  They just gave me drinks even my mom gave me drinks.  It was pretty fun.  My ankle is great now and i am going to skate a bunch in the next weeks.

well later

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