Sunday, July 13, 2008

over the top

On Saturday the eS game of skate came to bozeman and a few of the kreamaz decided to participate. I showed up to watch and they put me in without asking, so i made it to the second round.  Nick beat Chris Murphy, Paulius, and Diekman.  We all found out that nick had a secret he had been hiding from all of us for years. Nick Weber can do rick flips (fakie fs bigspin heelflip).
Nick ended up getting second place after aaron.  It was a good game and turned into a great day of skating.  will and i went to cassy's 21st party and then bar hopping.  I got will to do his first shot of patron, it was sick.

After watching the stalone truckdriver/armwresting blockbuster of 87 over the top, Will and I learned the key to truckdriver arm wrestling, you put your fingers over the top of your opponent's thumb.  This insures that one can even beat the biggest gnarly dudes that try to step to ya, oh and lots of working out. working out with your weigh lifting apparatus in the cab of your truck so you can work out on the go.  best quotes of the movie over the top "if you lose like a winner, your never really a loser" , "damn you",  "no damn you!!", "man if i lose to you i would just kill myself." "being number one is everything to me, there is no second place, second place sucks!" An all around great movie from the 80s.

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